So, I'm in the Navy and was transferring to my next duty station. I kept my laptop in a carry on bag so I know nothing will happen to it. So when I finally lay down in my bed and try to turn it on, I push the power button and nothing happens. I made sure the power cord is plugged in in case I left it on and drained the battery during the trip, no dice. So now I'm not sure what to do. If it was a desktop computer I would open it up and start messing with it but since it's a laptop i'm scared to open it up. Any help would be appreciated since I'm going underway soon and my laptop has a lot of stuff on it. Nothing happens when I push the power button, no fan spin or hard disc activity, the power cord brick lights up green so power is going somewhere.
Any help would be appreciated
Hmm prehaps a faulty mobo? Or is the connector damaged? (laptop and adapter) Prehaps the button is slightly damaged, have you tried pushing it down with a bit of force?
Im not too sure with this problem, i wouldn't open it but send it away for repair if you can.
Welcome to NBR. -
Try a full reset, unplug the power cord, remove the battery, hold the power button for 30 seconds, plug it all back in and try again..
Prob wont work but worth a go -
Hey guys, thanks for the suggestions. I did try to force the button down to turn it on and all that. I also took the battery out and did all that, nothing worked.
So I got off work today and messed with the laptop again, I "gently" nocked it around and jammed on the button to no avail. Then I sat it down and after a couple minutes I decided to go at it again, and it turned on. WHOO YA! Now I'm just scared to turn it off again in case I wont be able to turn it on again. -
Since it seems to be on and off, maybe some connections is loose? Idk the interiors of this machine but that would be my best guess rather than a software related problem.
sounds like your mobo is going crazy
MSI GT725 Broken?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by akirasghost, Aug 11, 2009.