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    MSI GT72 2QE Battery Replacement

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by DimitrisCSD, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. DimitrisCSD

    DimitrisCSD Notebook Consultant

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    Hello guys.

    I am facing an issue that is driving me crazy.

    My battery on the GT72 2QE has died so I need a new one. I am fairly confident I can change it myself but I have trouble finding one to buy here in the UK.

    I contacted the service center at Coventry and they refuse to sell me a battery direct and they want me to send the laptop in for them to do it, which could take up to 21 days!!!

    I use this for work so there is no chance I am sending it away for so long.

    Can anyone help me locate a replacement battery? There must be a way to get one...

    I found some on ebay, amazon etc but they seem to come from Hong Kong and I'm not sure i can trust them to be genuine.

    Any help appreciated. Thanks.