Hello there,
I'm looking forward on GT70 series notebook.
For gt70-0nd492us (675MX) and gt70-0nd444us (675M), how big difference are they on gaming (most highest demand 3d FPS shooting gaming)
I'm also concern about the onboard sound chips and speaker, what sound chips are they using, SB X-Fi or some high level Realtek? Sager NP9370 which use X-Fi chips really attracting at all...
And for the last the speaker quality, how's it compare with Sager NP9370 series? I concern the full range response , and a little more concern the Bass reproduction.... what do you think??
Thank you very much!
I'm a newbie, can't made up my mind between these 2 model and Sager
Please feel free to comment! All comment are welcomethanks!
pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso
It's a Realtek with sound blaster software for emulation..
pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso
I had a 9370 for about a week and the sound could not come close to the sound in my gt70 Dragon edition.
And one more question - Does the mSATA port a SATA2 or SATA3 on GT70 ? From xoticpc, how to choose between 256G SSD, Crucial M4 or Samsung 841? Someone saying not stable in Samsung 841 at the moment because of firmware.....
Prostar Computer Company Representative
As good as the Clevo's are, a lot of users are not happy with the speakers and/or audio chip. Though people generally appear happier with the MSI units' speakers, IMO, laptop speakers are laptop speakers; If you want something exceptional, use external speakers or high-end earbuds or headphones.
492 is using the GTX675MX graphic card with 4GB
it also comes with 128GB SSD + 750GB HDD / 16GB memory
444 is using the GTX675M graphic card with 2GB
it also comes with only 750GB HDD / 12GB memory
675MX is the half a generation newer than the 675M version.
Speaker wise, all MSI branded NB comes with speakers that is build and fine tune by Dynaudio. You can see that Dynaudio speakers can go up to $1000s. All reviews had been giving great reviews on our speaker experience. It have a build in Sub which base is not a problem at all. -
mSATA port is connected to SATA 3
MSI GT70 sound chips and 3D performance
Discussion in 'MSI' started by davidkwan, Mar 27, 2013.