Hi Guys,
I got a strange problem with my MSI GT70 0NC Notebook.
I got a GTX 675M 2GB Graphics Card in it and i cant start any Game with it.
The first Problem is, that the Graphics Card puts out an error 43 in System-Manager:
Then there´s no Bios Information or Any GPU Clock in GPU-Z:
I downloaded the latest VGA-Bios for MSI-Cards on Techpowerup.com and flashed it with nvflash:
and still got the same Problems.
I tried the Inf Modding for the Actual Graphics driver and the original Driver on the MSI-Homepage.
Still no Luck![]()
Is there any other MSi Rom i need???
Is it even possible to get the Graphics card to work?
Pls guys, can u help me??? i´m running my Notebook with integrated Graphics at the Moment![]()
Looks like your 675MX died :O
really?? is there no way to revive the card?? like reflow or something?
It does seem like it's dead. Try running MSI afterburner. If it starts, crashes, flickers etc and shows erroenous info, it probably means the GPU is in the brinck of death, and barely being recognized. Once it is fully dead, the fans should spin at 100% at all times (this is normal, and somewhat helps indicate that the dedicated GPU died).
I suppose it is time to change GPUs or even consider a new machine?
My 680m died almost immediately when I got my GT70. It was replaced right away but before it failed, it crashed when gaming, then it started showing wrong info in GPUz and other software. One day later, and it died, no longer existing in any software etc. -
I could get a GTX280m or a GTX260m for a very low price. would it be possible to get this card to work in my GT70???
frist, try to flash you Bios & EC Firmware. Here you get the best Bios for the MS-1762, like your GT70 0NC: Zippyshare.com - 1762 51x.rar this Bios came directly from MSI and is a Beta Bios for current GPU´s.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
But GTX 675M seems to give much more problems than GTX 680M for instance.
MSI GT70 GTX675m error 43 not working
Discussion in 'MSI' started by kamsen, Oct 23, 2014.