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    MSI GT70 Different Screen Options from Gentech or Xoticpc?!? Need help asap!

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by captaincranium, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. captaincranium

    captaincranium Notebook Consultant

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    I recently bought a open boxed Samsung Series 7 gamer at my local Microcenter because that is all they had (none new). Needless to say, the wireless card would not connect at 5ghz consistently (intel 6235 that apparently has this problem) and other problems surfaced, etc so I returned it for a full refund. In the meantime looking all over online trying to figure out the erractic wireless card issues and others, i ran across the MSI GT70 and have pretty much decided that is the one I am going to get. I have been on Xoptic PC and GenTech and noticed that they have different screen options. The one thing I can say about the Samsung, is that the screen was beautiful, BRIGHT and colors were rich and it pained me not to have the option of the nvidia 680m in it. I have since pretty much decided on the GT70, can anyone with experiance tell me if the upgraded screen options improve brightness, color, etc that much to warrant a possible $150-$170 price increase? And yes, the screen does really matter to me. If I could somehow slap the Samsung screen on the MSI i think i would be in heaven after looking at the Samsung screen for just over a week before I had to return it. But I want the 680M now and Killer wireless card, etc so MSI it is. I have tried to search around a little but can't really find an direct comparison or examples of exactly what the upgraded screens offer outside of color upgrade. Are they also brighter screens? Etc? The one thing I am worried about is getting the computer and it having a dull screen after forking out the money to go all out on the MSI. Glossy or Matte does not matter to me as I have dealt with both. Just want to get the best screen available that I can for the MSI GT70 and looking to order soon. THANK YOU and hope to contribute more in the future now after finding these forums.
  2. Prostar Computer

    Prostar Computer Company Representative

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    Your best bet for a bright, clear display will be the glare type display. The higher NTSC color gamut % will give you better saturation and more accurate whites, but as far as "brightness" goes, that's more up to the lamp and power of the inverter. Samsung uses the same screen manufacturing plant as Apple, and produces some of the best displays out there. So to be honest, I have a feeling the MSI screen will not be quite as bright/vivid.

    But you can see here that the difference between the screen upgrades is pretty noticeable as far as color intensity goes.
  3. captaincranium

    captaincranium Notebook Consultant

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    thank you for the links...very helpful. my daughter has an Asus g75vw with the matte screen...can anyone with experience with that asus model and the MSI gt70 tell me how the MSI matte screen compares to the asus since i do know what the asus screen looks like firsthand? also anyone with experiance on the 90 color gamut glossy screen option with the MSI gt70 share thier thought on overall experiance (colors, brightness, etc) and if they think it was worth it? very torn on the matter but want to a msi soon with the 680...thanks again!
  4. pathfindercod

    pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso

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    I had a Asus g53 model for about two days a few years ago and it gave me a headache. It had a weird look to it so i took it back to Best Buy.

    I use a Retina 15" MBP for all my photography/graphics stuff. I just bought a Dragon Edition GT70 with the stock MSi screen (ordered from big retailer because I had discount). I played BF3 for almost three hours and it was very VERY nice. i actually turned the brightness down to about 75-80% it was so bright.

    Depending on what your doing with it. i will not be using it for any photography or graphics stuff it will be mainly gaming. I might calibrate it for the heck of it with my calibration kit.

    I had a Sager np9370 with a bigfoot e2200 and it constantly disconnected form my router. But I played BF3 wireless on the GT70 last night (has the e2200) and it was as good as being wired and never had a disconnect. I think MSI has done their homework and the GT70 is a great machine.
  5. captaincranium

    captaincranium Notebook Consultant

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    So would you say that the $170 glossy 90%+ color gamut screen would be overkill? I am going to be using this comp for basically everything and also heavy gaming too. I plan on this lasting for at least 2 years so really want to make sure the main computer I will be looking at will look the best color, brightness, black levels, etc that I can get on this MSI model. I also saw the 15i GT60 has a 95% Color Gamut Anti-Glare screen option that the 17' does not. Otherwise appears to be the same computer option wise. Does anyone have experiance using either the glossy 17.3 ' 90% color gamut or the 15' 95% color gamut Matte? If i can get the same computer spec and speed wise in a 15' form with a great screen and save a few hundred, that would be great too. 15' doesn't bother me. Basically I am hoping that someone that actually has either of these screen options on their MSI to respond so they can tell me directly what their experiance is. Pathfindercod and Prostar i want to give a big thank you to for your contributions and thoughts...great forum...glad i ran across it.
  6. Prostar Computer

    Prostar Computer Company Representative

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    Glad we've been able to contribute, captaincranium!

    I've read mixed opinions on having a 90%+ NTSC screen for gaming. I don't know that many (or any) games really take advantage of that gamut spectrum in full. As for matte, you will gain the benefit of reduced glare at the expense of a not as sharp picture and slightly muted color by comparison to the glare-type/glossy screen.

    I hope some of the info in this thread can be of some help to you. :)