Hey guys
I was about to turn on my laptop today but the power button stopped clickingtherefore not working.. is there an alternative way to turn on the laptop or do I have to go with it to the repair shop ?
Its probably just the ribbon cable under the control panel. It might have come loose somehow. You could try and reseat the cable yourself.
This video shows the white ribbon cable I am talking about around 3:50. Don't break it if you decide to go into the laptop and try and reseat the cable.
MSI GT60 Barebones 16F3 SteelSeries Keyboard Installation - YouTube -
I just checked it, there was a tiny yellow ring that fell from under the power button (I think it's from the button on he pcb) and it isn't clicking :/
Any way to bypass the button, just manually shorting the connectors on the ribbon cable or does it go through some kind of ic/transistor thing ?
Not the easiest questions it's just that everything else works except this -
I have no idea about that man. I would probably start a warranty RMA with MSI at this point. Anything broken isn't worth trying to rig up. You could cause more damage and actually end up voiding your warranty. Maybe you can convince MSI to simply send you a replacement power/control panel instead of sending back the actual laptop.
Yeah, that's probably the best idea ^^,
THx for the help !! -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
You don't want to kill your warranty by attempting a short to start the machine, either, so that really is the best direction to take.
Hoping for the best in all of it, for you!
MSI GT70 0NC power button doesn't work
Discussion in 'MSI' started by olafurfo, Jul 23, 2013.