Hey guyz,
since i configured my MSI GT70 and start playing games and figured out some weird stuff..
After playing for around 15-20 mins the games and even my notebook are going to slow down (and the sound is going to mess around and goes creepy)...
I had an eye on my core temps with coretemp and core 0 was on 80°C, after cooled down to ~65°C everything is normal... any ideas?
Latest WHQL nvidia driver
Chipset driver from the DVD
Win8 x64
xsplit (streaming) during gaming.
Sounds almost like turbo boost is being kille causing the laptop to stutter. Eventhough it's not that hot, my Lenovo would kill turbo boost at like 84 degrees C.
Maybe try to update the chipset drvers from intel's site. Or even look into a BIOS update. -
I recommend you monitor both CPU and GPU for max temps, using software like HWmonitor running in the background to check everything is fine. You can use MSI after burner to monitor GPU usage and clocks to see what is going on when it stutters for you.
Thats what i did...
while gaming: http://i.imgur.com/3Vp2tCy.png
while benchmarking: http://i.imgur.com/XPQfLXW.png -
Seems like CPU throttling. Are you using vsync? When temps are OK and your GPU clocks are ok for the most part but you have lower % utilization it means throttling or CPU bottlenecking. Use Throttlestop 5.0 and uncheck all checkboxes except turbo multiplier and EIST, turn on and try your games again to see if it helps.
Thanks a lot! going to try it later on, from this i did this test after slept a bit and installed win7 again:
Againg with the same game "Path of exile":
- Full details, full hd -> lagging/crashing starts after 10-15 min of play
- Full hd resoution -> no shadow, no AA, no anisotropic, no post processing -> game is playable, still after 10-15 mins and the fan isnt going to start to fly
both tests with the 306.14 driver (comes with the installation dvd).
both tests without vga oc and sbar (just turned "high performance" on windows).
so, as it seems, i cant play on full details, no matter what driver version, what can it cause? bad heatsink? broken GPU?
PS: i dont use vsync
Okay, tested it:
Its a bit better now (even with full details+full hd), its not perfect for such game (which should be no problem for the msi or?).. i dont get theses graphical glitches aber playing a bit and then the crash..
So should i update my nvidia drivers? if yes, latest beta or latest stable?
After i turned to high/on back again and went afk for a bit while the game was running there was the same issue.. driver crash, blue screen... i dont get it.. -
Played "Mechwarrior online" for around 30 mins.. no probems so far, GPU temp was at 50°C which is okay.
I only got problems at league of legends (the client closes) and at "path of exile" (game get laggy and then i get artifacts etc.).
So guys what do you think?
GPU broken? wait for the thermal paste and reseat it? get it to MSI and let it repair? -
There might be something up with the GPU. You are not getting high temps to warrant artifacting. If you remove drivers completely and clean install new ones, and you still get those issues, maybe the GPU is damaged. Did your notebook behave that way since you got it or is it recent?
Neither your CPU nor your GPU seem to have high temps, and you do get those weird spikes in performance that drop down your clocks.
Update to the latest drivers. -
already updated to latest drivers.. well yeah its from the beginning since i have this NB.. (just got it for 3 days now).
guess i will pick the RMA service -_-
While i played dishonored on full hd: http://i.imgur.com/lWHd8ok.png
btw: whats wrong with the memory and clock?! after everything freezes it dont go down -
Hmmm That indeed are signs of GPU dying, at least sometimes they are. Mine on a previous machine started acting that way until it got so severe that I could no longer play not even 1 minute. A day later it just died off.
Indeed pick up RMA service! If you bought from a reseller, ask for their support on the issue.
Also I am a bit curious, can you read the ASIC quality of your GPU? The last couple ones that died on me had 60% or so quality. -
ASIC quality? dont know what it is sorry :/
Well i slightly underclocked it and now it works (at least for now) but well.. already filled the RMA service and hopefully they will be fast :/
edit: or could it be a bad thermal paste? -
It could be bad thermal pad placement, but I don't think it's paste because you have good temps. Usually a bad paste job is reflected in high temps. Bad Thermal pad placement could mean memory or some other component of the GPU might be overheating.
ASIC quality can be read using GPU Z right clicking on the top left corner. -
Its not supported
Well, guessing tomorrow i will get the email from MSI and then this week they will pick it (hopefully!) .. thats so sad..ordering an gaming laptop and you cant play games with it -
The chances of a second GPU dying after RMA are incredibly low though, so don't worry. Hell you might even get a much better GPU in quality terms, to the point you can overclock it with cool temps and get better performance.
Also Kudos for quickly questioning and reporting your happenings. It is important to keep testing and keep a cool head to reach conclusions faster. You actually got this set up quickly and hopefully your RMA will go fast.
It really shows when users try everything and their best to fix their notebooks. -
Thanks a lot for the help!
Well yeah, im new to the "gaming notebook" scene, my old laptop was...IS an asus x72dr (my GF using it currently, until my MSI is on RMA haha). i already love the msi but... well, cant play much tho (currently dishonored works pretty well, with low underclocking -5 core, -30 memory, but thats not the point tho).
i tried everything, researched the google the last 2 nights and now im done, i take the "easier" way with RMAalready missing my MSI
EDIT: oh btw... my geforce supports ASIC (GPU Z selected intel hd graphics by default..) it is currently on 66.1% -
66% ASIC interesting. My GTX680m that died off last year was 63% I think. The new replacement was 96% and it actually ran way cooler even overclocked. -
Maybe they just put a used GPU in my msi, cuz they had already an RMA there and they thought "oh dang it! we dont got another 675mx here... well, lets swap them" and now i have a broken, used GPU
yeah i guess its much better, have to wait 3-4-5 weeks until i get my msi back but its worth it i guess -
Thats pretty weird, played Saints Row 4 now for 1 hour and thats the result from the last minutes...
no single crash, lag or something... graphic setting is at the highest playable oO i dont get it... -
You scared your computer into working correctly? That is odd. What drivers are you currently using?
Well, why is that so?! Oo i dont get it seriously...
320.49 - latest WHQL drivers. i really dont know what i did.. just played other games (just got those freezing stuff on league of legends, on path of exile not anymore yet..) -
What the hell? Everything is working now alright? Gonna have to keep testing then. Reinstall League of Legends to see if it helps. I get some random "freezing" in League of Legends while gaming sometimes, the screen gets stuck for like a second then everything continues. It seems to not happen when I am monitoring temps etc, so I figured maybe it has something to do with Optimus, as when I use monitoring software i force the discreete GPU. But it's just a theory not proven.
Yeah as it seems everything is working...but i didnt changed anything, so.. i just want to know WHY is everything working fine now?
Got some mini lags on path of exile but not those freezing stuff and driver crashes, i cant explain why everything is alright now?! ... i dont get it -
Okay so, summary:
Path of exile: No problems so far, not the same issue as it was when i started the thread
League of Legends: not downloaded yet...
Dishonred: Full HD, Full details, no problems, just at the beginning there was a small lag with 1 black "artefact" or something, but after that, no issue (and after i turned MSAA from 4 to 2)
Saints Row 4: played 2+ hours - NO single lag, freeze or something
I dont get it what is going on... i mean im happy yeah, BUT should i still take the RMA to let it check?
The temps are fine (max is 71°C) and clock + memory is fine too, no issues here... when im ingame, it goes up, when i tab out, it goes down.
// edit:
After played splinter cell blacklist: http://i.imgur.com/eMFF0Rb.png
thats so weird .. still no issue.. -
If it's a new computer and things are working out maybe you shouldn't follow RMA just keep things checked and keep using your computer. I don't know what caused it and it is so weird to see it gone for no good reason, specially if you didn't update or did anything differently.
Well the only updates i did, were the directx x and the microsoft redistributable from a few games...
League of legends is working too now btw... i dont know really... the memory and clock were high for a short moment when i tabbed out but now everything is fine... someone can explain it?
// Now there are freezings back again.... BUT after i pulled the battery back into my laptop, all the tests yesterday were WITHOUT battery, this morning i pulled it back in, laggs... now i pulled it out and testing again
// Here we go..issues are back.. i dont get it, well at least RMA is on his way... -
Guys, what about this:
and this: http://i.imgur.com/n47bQw6.png -
So you have issues with your battery plugged in, but when you remove it, everything works out??? that's incredibly odd. If you can confirm this always happens, then it is valuable information for your RMA process and should definitely let them know.
Those last screens, the driver version it's not really that important but your constant clocks at 0 load and saw like temps are a bit curious, as they should be a bit more stable without load. -
Well now, the issue with the plugged out battery was there aswell..
Now everyting is constant, after i sorted out a bit, like updated intel hd graphic drivers, etc. .. http://i.imgur.com/vfGv3QI.png
Got a few issues at the first start after the outsorting on splinter cell, but then its magically working again, i dont know... maybe i will wait 1 or 2 weeks more and then i decide im not sure
What about .. if its the CPU? i mean.. on the msi site theres is an bios update for the fan?!.. with throttlestop on the game profile everything is working like a charm, but theres is the ASIC in my mind, what about this, should i care about it? -
If your computer is working fine with throttlestop then there is a problem with the CPU, that your computer is causing it to throttleback. Use intel XTU or any software that monitors CPU clockspeed and check if, without throttlestop, your clockspeed during gaming goes down.
Which exact model do you have of MSI laptop? -
Having a GT70 0ND.
Played 2 hours DayZ now without an issue (well okay, server laggs, but cant count it, hehe)..
Im really unsure at the moment.. -
My Dell Inspiron had a similar problem, after about 8 months when gaming sometimes it'd stutter and the audio would go weird, it then led to complete freezes and then BSODs (and at the end, it could cause a BSOD in about a minute). Had it fixed under warranty - they replaced the motherboard (it has a GT 525M, so it's soldered onto it) and then it worked fine. The temps seemed fine at the time too, like yours do.
So maybe the same things happening to yours - and since it's in the early stages it still works mostly. It took mine a little while to get to the last stage, don't quite remember since that was about a year and a half ago.
(Of course my card was a lower end card, and a few other people seemed to have the same problem as me, but what you seem to be experiencing is similar) -
So what do you think? picking up the RMA and let it check? because at the moment i have the same problems... just idling around and the memory/clock dont go down..
okay guys, whatever.. i filled the UPS stuff out now waiting for the "mr. nice guy from UPS" for picking up my MSI ...
oh god... it will took 14 workdays for repair and can take 1-5 days for traveling -____- ... hopefully it will worth it and im having an GAMING laptop after the RMA with a better enjoy -
Hopefully everything will return fixed and well. The other alternative was to push your system to the max to force it to die and ensure it would be replaced. Assuming it was a bad component dying I guess.
Let us know when you get your machine back! -
Of course i will
But i guess it will take around 5-6 weeks -
thats ridiculous.. UPS wont come, still waiting for them, if they wont come i try to reseat heatsink (it just came today) and/or install this update http://www.msi.com/product/nb/GT70-0ND.html#/?div=Firmware&nbos=non-win 8
what a sad moment -
If UPS won't come, can you personally drop it on one of their offices to accelerate things for you?
That update says is only for fan speed table, I don't think it will help unless it is doing something else in the background. If you have experience with laptops sure you can reseat your heatsink, to see if anything was out of place but you seemed to have great temps in general. Unless a particular component is acting up, I am not sure it's the heatsink being wrongly placed. -
What do you think?
Stress test with prime95, still running... bad heatsink? or is it "normal"? -
Guys what about if its cause of the HDD?
since i read a bit around google it can be the cause too?!
Because my HDD was just 475 GB instead of the 500 GB... could it be? -
Heeey guys,
writing from my new delivered Laptop.
They dont had the same model (my first GT70 was with freedos), now im having the GT70 0ND with Win8 and 750 GB HDD, and its just awesome, installing the games i need and then i will test them and test the GT70. But the turbo button is working, working in windows is way faster, surfing is faster.. so i guess the first GT70 was just bad and damaged, dont know... im just happy im having the new one now and cant wait to play games with it -
I hope everything runs much better! If you have any issues, drop by so we can work it out -
well yeah! this thing is such an awesome laptopBut meh.. i dont really like windows 8, but whatever, have to use it, still an awesome laptop and yeah it was worth it to wait for a new one
Using Start 8, its pretty decent, yeah... some test are showing that win8 is a lot faster, but i dont know... cant compare cuz i didnt used win7 with this laptop lol..
but from now, im really happy everything is working tho -
So ridiculous that KLM and S-bar stopped working... i dont get this -.- ..
suddenly they stopped working, repaired net framework 4.5, reinstalled both (klm and sbar) no chance...
im getting mad and angry, this is just ****... -
They suddenly stopped working? Mine haven't done that but I think I have read other users with such a problem and uninstalling and then reinstalling later worked for me. What were you doing when it stopped working?
I was so frustrated with the same issue and then i realized s-bar was replaced with SCM
MSI GT70 - Weird slow down during gaming
Discussion in 'MSI' started by kewkie, Sep 2, 2013.