MSI Sandy Bridge GT680R to sell for ?1999
MSI prepares Sandy Bridge notebooks
15.6" (1920x1080)
i7 2630QM 2.2GHz+Intel HD Graphics
GTX 460M 1.5GB
4GB Memory
9 Cell Battery
I wonder when Nvidia's new 5xx GPU's are set to release. You have to wonder why they didn't bother to wait to put a new 5xx's, rather than putting old technology like the GTX 460m.
The GX680 has the ATI 6870M.
Available 1st week January.
Not worth the money.
+ They still persist with that horrible 1920x1080 screen res which lags you down massively on the 15 inch screen.
The CPU is rather weak to for that price.
IMO what a waste.
I can only say this may be a wrong turn for MSI only people who dont know a lot will buy this people who think a graphics card is a hard drive basicly.
However lets just wait and see i suppose. -
Too expensive.
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Im hard to please.
DDR2 makes 0 SENSE as DDR3 is faster and much more reliable.
Anyway the guys at MSI know what they are doing i don't say anything as i do not work for them i cant judge there methods. -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
it could cost MSI vital resources and really flatten any sales and yes all they need to do is simply change it to DDR3 LMAO.
Anyway ....
MSI GT680R to sell for ?1999
Discussion in 'MSI' started by, Dec 22, 2010.