soooo basically i was havin problem with the laptop struggling to recognize when the charger was plugged in and i had to adjust it into position and make sure it didnt move for it to charge...then a few weeks back i smelt something burning and smoke came out of the fan area (which meant the dc jack had burnt out) i ordered a new dc power jack from USA and opened the laptop up and can i say its really poor arrangement of components by MSI cos i had to take out nearly everything to get access to the jack which was stuck to the motherboard, it should really have its own wiring and seperate area if it can be burnt like this (like my dads acer does, his dc jack burnt out too but it was completely separate wiring for it so it took him 15mins to sort it out)
aaanyways i did eventually get to the dc jack and tried to desolder it from the motherboard and it took me ages, maybe because of the solder used on the jack or maybe cos the soldering iron i had wasnt hot enough, either way i finally got it off and soldered the new jack into place and put everything back together and crossed my fingers before plugging the charger back in but there was a little spark so i took it out immediately, the circuit must have shorted somewhere or some of the components must have burnt out intially
now i've got a dilemma in what to do...i live in the UK so parts are hard to come by and i dont think im under warranty cos i've had the laptop for more then 2 years so i think i need a motherboard but dont know where to look for it, any suggestions?
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Try asking majster_msi. He frequents these forums, but in order to PM him, you'll need to reach 5 posts.
EDIT: got over 5 posts but still can't pm, any ideas why? -
Were you able to get any traction? I have the same problem and cannot for the life of me figure out what the mother board an msi gt680 uses
did you found the solution pleas ?
i have same issue here, and it look like many many users have same
thank you -
With some time and patience the jack can be replaced, I've done it on mine. If you want you can send me some pics of how bad it is and I can tell you whether it can be fixed or not.
mosespip likes this. -
Hi Inches,
I have exactly the same problem ,however I have managed to remove the old socket & purchased a new one, but I have read on the internet that it is best to run a seperate cable from the + pin of the jack ( to stop it happening again ) to another point on the board , but I cannot work out where to connect it on the board......Any help or ideas would be appreciated
Regards -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Get a multimeter and check where it could go, if the resistance is 0 then it's electrically connected to that point.
I had a solder bridge on mine to a resistor nearby, but it was the 16F2 so it wont be the same place most likely. -
Thanks for the info...will look into it
cheers -
Thanks for the info...will look into it
cheers -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Not a problem, good luck
MSI GT680 DC Power Jack burnt out / Motherboard needed
Discussion in 'MSI' started by bilal91, Aug 14, 2013.