With MSI notebooks and extreme CPUs, can you change the multi in the BIOS?
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
I don't have the little brother (i.e. 15 inch)
but I don't think so. The only thing regarding OC at BIOS menu is the value of increasement of your FSB you want to be applied when you press Turbo button. Such as 16%, 20%, 24%. You can't change the multiplier from there, but there are a lot of programs that will allow you to do that through Windows.
Edit: O moral, is that you ... I thought it's somebody new to the forum ...So you know that already
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Because I heard they don't help if you want to change the multi higher than stock
It's disappointing that they don't have the option in the BIOS. I wanted to get a Q9200 and run it at 4ghz (or as high as it would go with a volt mod).
Do MSI listen to customer suggestions or is the only hope a BIOS mod?
I wonder if it's worth making a thread similar to this:
But asking for extreme CPU support? -
Try using xtreme tuning utility XTU (Official xtreme series tool)
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Ok, thankyou, I forgot about that program.
I just hope the quad works in my notebook. -
How you will cool that? You'll move to North Pole?
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
I have read that even if you get a CPU with an unlocked multi, you can't use RMclock, crystalCPUID... to change it.
That's why I started this thread some time ago:
I guess the only thing that could work is XTU, but that also needs BIOS support.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, the Q9200 has an unlocked multi. -
Mandrake had a 9300 that hit 4ghz each, he camped outside haha.
Q9200 i don't think could reach that though, it'd ramp up nicely but i have doubts at how well it will tollerate the pressure (Q9200 isn't official extreme is it?)
There is a minor chance it could work with an earlier bios, but thats risky too haha. -
So I don't know what you on about ....
There's some that you need to avoid but QAVR , QAVS are basically QS and very stable.
I doubt XTU will work as it's not supported by MSI/Bios and the Q9200 isn't really an Extreme processor unfortunately
You can use Crystalcpuid to change the multi. Most programs doesn't work on the 725's BIOS ... and that suck big time ! Have to use the barebones one IF I want to OC.
They don't listen either if you complain or ask something .....
E : 4ghz !? good luckkeep us posted !
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
While I don't really use ES chips much anymore, everyone I used was rock solid and worked great. Just make sure you're getting a real Qualification Sample chip which is effectively the same as the retail version.
And yeah, for the Q9200, QAVS is the most sought after, but QAVR is pretty much the same too. -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
What was the highest you could get (at least 12?)?
4ghz would mean I'd pin mod the PLL to 333mhz and set the multi to 12.
Would definatly need a volt mod, and a big one at that
I have a cooler which blows over 120CFM, maybe I'll add a few ramsinks to the heatsink...
4ghz is the aim, I would be happy with ~3.5. -
could have tried it but nothing works on my current bios.
Nice , don't forget a tuto for it !would come in very handy
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
Not going to happen. MSI bios is really limited and none of those programs (intel's and the others) are going to be able to help. I tried.
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Yep, I'll write a guide if I manage to get the Q9200 working with this notebook.
EDIT: Didn't see Darth Banes post, I guess I'll go for the Q9100, unless maybe a BIOS mod is possible -
Why wouldn't it ?
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=457088 -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
I don't know, are you sure it wasn't the GT627 Q version (if that makes a difference)?
Maybe with the latest BIOS it will work, I wont know till I try. -
I personally think it should work ... -
As I know ES CPUs with unlocked multiplier (upwards) have different issues. There was a problem here at the forum that I remember. One guy bought a CPU with unlocked multiplier (early ES ofcourse) and his system was running at lowest multiplier (x6), doesn't matter what. Maybe this is a BIOS issue, that happens with unlocked CPUs, but he had to manually set it every time (I think it was with RM Clock) when he starts his computer. -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
If anyone reads this and has a CPU with an unlocked multi, PM me because I have a special BIOS you might want to try.
My Q9200 arrived today. My GT627 is the UK version that came with a Q9000, so no problem with the new one, pluged and working. I'd like to try some overclocking though, which doesn't seem easy to do with this laptop...
I'm trying to change the multiplier and/or increasing FSB with software but none of them seem to work. BIOS mod anyone? -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Here is an easy way to do it:
You should get over 3ghz no problem.
To increase the FSB, did you try this:
http://forum.notebookreview.com/msi...-shown-gt627-but-should-work-all-similar.html -
Thanks for your quick reply!
I'm trying to increase the multiplier with ThrottleStop but I can'tI can decrease it though... something missing?
Edit: Working after a restart! Thanks a lot man -
Hey moral did u find any new interesting facts about the gt627's capability to support quad cores ?
Ive given up but i always wished for a quad upgrade T<T -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
If I see one in the NBR marketplace for a good price, I will probably get it.
I'll also make a few bids on ebay and maybe I will be lucky and find a cheap one there.
If I try a quad in my notebook, I will post my results in this forum and send you a PM.
MSI GT627 extreme CPU support, can you change the multiplier in the BIOS?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by moral hazard, Feb 9, 2010.