The darn MSI website only has 32-bit Vista drivers available, so...
Can someone who has this laptop running Windows 7 please provide links and/or guidance for getting ALL of the built-in functions working correctly in Win7?
Preferably RC1 64-bit (or both).
Thanks ahead of time!
- ph-
CyberVisions Martian Notebook Overlord
Hi palehorse!
I'm not sure, but try these here!
look @ here -
Hi, try installing System Control Manager (SCM), it says it's for vista/XP but it should work for Windows 7. -
Hi palehorse, after you try these things, please post your results using these! I'll be glad to know what works and what doesn't work when I'll have it!
Yesterday I installed Windows 7 (32bit) in my new GT627. I used the provided CD with the drivers and Utilities. If you browse the CD there is a "AP" folder that have the Utilities. If you don't have the original CD here is the link to the Windows Vista drivers (wich worked for Me in Windows 7):
The driver for the GeForce 9800 GS can be found in the nVidia Website. I had to install it manually because Windows 7 would not install them automatically from the Setup. -
I received a GT627 tonight and installed Windows 7 RC1 64-bit right away. Driver Summary:
-- the latest video drivers from Nvidia
-- the latest HD Audio drivers from Realtek
-- the modem drivers from the driver CD that came with the laptop
-- the cardreader, CIR, and chipset drivers are the official MSI Vista drivers listed on their website (the 32-bit seemed to work).
-- I downloaded the latest System Control Manager (SCM) from MSI and the TURBO/ECO modes now work pefectly!
-- the bluetooth, wireless, and webcam touch controls worked without adding new drivers
As far as I can tell, every function is now 100% good-to-go, and Windows 7 RC1 is running great! Now it's time to install everything else... -
Got it today and have Windows 7 up and running. Everything is working perfect. I benchmarked it before i upgraded. Right out of the box, 8520ish, and with Windows 7 64bit, its now 8995...Not too shabby. Better than my other laptop which was getting 5880. So i think I'll stick with Win7 and look forward to updated drivers.
Thanks for all the help guys! -
Got mine up and running Win7 64-bit RC1 using the list of drivers SkinsFan posted above. (Thanks SF!)
This thing is NICE! -
Hey guys, I just realized that my bluray wont play with my install of windows 7. Anyone have this issue or know what program to use to fix it? thanks
Thanks Skinfan, followed your list to get Windows 7 up and running. Up rep!
Thanks Skinfan! Everything works perfect!
Would be great if MSI did Windows 7 x64 drivers...
they're offering those win 7 coupons so maybe they'll provide drivers for 32 and 64 bit versions of win 7
hi, also got some problems after updating my gt627 to win7. i did everything in the way you explained, but I have two problems. when downloading and installing the chipset drivers, its said that my system would not be able to run these. i'm using win7 32bit. another problem is that my webcam doestn work. when activating it by touchpad it is recognized, but doesnt start.
thx 4 help! -
anybody have alink for theses drivers my laptop just crashed and wont recover so i hope i can re install windows from scratch l8tr mad:
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Just go to the MSI website and type in the search box "gt627".
You will get to the drivers page, all of the vista drivers work in win7.
I suggest getting the intel drivers from intel and nvidia driver from laptopvideotogo.
MSI GT627 -- Windows 7 Drivers?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by palehorse, May 14, 2009.