the successor of GT683/685 with illuminated keypad on the 15 inch model
MSI GT60 @ CeBIT 2012 - YouTube
if this comes out
GT78x users = end of life ............ -
some english info and videos of the gt60 and gt70 here:
MSI shows GT60, GT70 gaming notebooks at CeBIT | Electronista
Thank you MSI for putting the steelseries keyboard on the new 15in laptop. This is going to be my new laptop for sure! -
last thing I want to hear that GPU's embedded to the motherboard like the rumors about next gen alienwares! time will tell
Its not a rumor
Even the design will almost the same as alienware -
On the other hand, after looking at the videos, maybe they aren't... :-/ -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Same basic insides:
MSI GT60 gaming notebook - YouTube
So we should at least be able to use the new GFX modules and heatsinks. -
u sounds so sure bout the GPU being embedded to the motherboard..mind to enlighten us??
from what i see, the GT60/70 is no where near alienware design -
TheBluePill Notebook Nobel Laureate
Engadget has some info;
MSI outs new GT60 / GT70 gaming laptops, we go hands-on (video) -- Engadget
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Hefty price tags.
TheBluePill Notebook Nobel Laureate
It makes me more regret because i just got my GT783 last month
Playing 45fps ultra on BF3 etc , maybe i was not regret at all.
My next notebook will be m18x r3 or similar . -
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
Look at the optical drive in the GT60.Is there an activity light and an eject button?
Now let's look at the optical drive in the GT70.It looks like ODD that's in the present GT78x models.
MSI outs new GT60 / GT70 gaming laptops, we go hands-on (video) -- Engadget -
Good point about the Eject button on the ODD, lets hope that the retail version models will have the Eject button that all gt68x and gt78x deserved.
Glad that the GT60 seems to have a backlit keyboard, contrary to some resellers speculation. Will this be the first 15.6" laptop with 3 possible storage drives (1HDD+2SSD), or is that only the gt70? The GT68x was already above average with its 2 hard drive bays, this would just be further cement its dominance, which is great. Now to just slice that laughable price in half in the US, just as the current models start at. -
I am desperately hoping that the price will be lower than that. In June this summer, my budget will be around $2200 and i was planning on buying that new model but of it is still at that price then I willbe opting out for the Gt783. By the way, Is the graphics card in the Gt780/783 upgradable?
I think the buttonless ODD on the GT70 is simply a HDD caddy.
The probable explanation for the "third HDD" in the GT60 is also a HDD caddy. -
To be honest there's not much difference with what we've got at the moment...just the hardware will be upgraded..
Generaly I see smaller gt780
with the same issue
. Aluminum won`t help.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Same design so where would they put a 3rd drive? It must be using a caddy with no ODD.
All slots will likely be SATA III though so you could run 3 SSDs in Raid0 or Raid5 with no penalty. -
Is the Gpu in the Gt780/783 upgrade able? And does anyone of the new gt70's gpu will be upgrade able also?
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
GT70DX = Yes
GT783 = Yes
GT70 = Unknown At This Time
GT60 = Unknown At This Time -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
GT60 and GT70 look like they do.
GE60 and GE70 are still ambigous -
I think there will be two 2.5" HDD bay, but one of them had two SATA connectors so you can put there two 1.8" SSD. As in the older Envy 15.
The price in my country will be as high as a regular 2-3 year old used car. Funny... -
Well if all the previous gt780 and gt783 models were gpu upgrade able then i am pretty sure that the new Gt70 will be, but I don't know about the ge70 though.
I just found a video of the Ge70 at Cebit but it is in German. It does show the design which is not as good looking as a thought it would be. Also, judging by the size of the laptop I would say it isn't that powerful.
Post it then
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
MSI GE60 [HandsOn] - german/deutsch - YouTube -
If the GE60 has a backlit keyboard I would be very interested.
GT60/70 are way better IMO.
They also look like they have better cooling, since the chasis is larger.
I also see a right angle power cord instead of the straight ones that came with the 780s.
Here are some photos:
This is certainly a lower end gaming series.
And according, here's what they think about it [translated]:
Performance wise and cooling wise yes, but I wish MSI sometimes put a little more thought into there styling.Some look rather bland.Any mention in that article if the GE60 has a backlit keyboard? I see it has the steel series stamp on thr lower left corner, hopefully that means backlit keyboard.
I dont know what to think about the new design of the 15" model when compared to current GT780 look...It seems its only for the GT60 the GT70 seems to have the good old look, the only thing i really like is the backside, its more tasty, honestly, theres more action going on.
Personally i like the touch buttons much more, i got used to basically not even having to push anything, just hover my finger above it, it does what i want it to do, and it just rocks.
The speakers, i dont think they deserved to be shrink like this into a medium sized noodle. But hey, MSi is trying something new.
Another plus of this is the fact that the status LED are well...LED - on current models its just engraved in the laptop design and an LED is blinking beneath it, if anything. Thats somewhat neat i think.
@IKAS - i dont knoe, honestly. Unless it was mentioned, i am not quite sure. Look at space for example, no evidence it would be backlit at all. Which would be kinda bugging me.
The touchpad design looks kind of distracting, i like the plain design of current GT780, the touchpad jsut blends in, and the orange stripe around the whole laptop, well who knows how it turns out. I also noticed the difference in the design around the keyboard.
All in all the GT60 is definitely something new with some quite neat features that might be on the higher models as well such as the back side and the status LEDs.
Definitely looking forward to some more information about the Ivy Bridge and Kepler. Well, kepler mostly because the Mobile Ivy Bridge line up has been leaked like months ago The upgrade is looking sweet, but as someone mentioend, that *cough*price*ouch*.Just my two cents
The Ge60 looks like a crony shadow of the gt60, with mediocre styling, no backlit keyboard, and lackluster hardware. No wonder there has been little mention of it and the Ge70, as there is nothing pertinent to showcase.. Luckily the Gt60/Gt70 seem somewhat impressive, although we will have to see its final specs and sane pricing come May when it launches before it can be considered a success of any sort.
I believe we will see all the Ivy Bridge processors, that means up to Xtreme CPU, i think that wont change, as well as 670M/680M or 7xxM or how its gonna be called.
I hope the pricing will be corrected, unless the top model for 3K comes with the best gpu, and ssd and whatnot. Also hope for good upgrade price, i wanna grab the tier two cpu for sure -
Funny...i like the speaker look on the gt60 leaps and bounds over the gt70/700 series. That grey plastics gives it such a cheap look in my eyes.
Been looking into the gt60 and 70 and see that they have already given an estimated price of 2500 for the 15 inch and 3000 for the 17 inch. Is this really what we are expected to pay on release? is this to say that the asus g55 and the new alienware m14x r2 will be about the same? these prices seem way too high.
I expect prices to be much lower in the US. -
isn't the euro more expensive then the dollar nowdays? if that's the case we are looking at even higher prices here.
Welcome to the European prices guys. I checked yesterday and the GT780 is still over 3000 US dollar here...
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Personally, and in no way reflecting the opinion of my company, I'm hoping they learned a lesson from the GT783 and that silly transcend SATA II SSD they installed. Sure it works, but it was a bit underwhelming.
Samsung PM830 SATA 3 256GB mSATA SSD Review - Ultrabooks To Gain Capacity and SATA 3 Speed - The SSD Review
This seems to be about the fastest mSATA available, and checking scores, it may rival a standard SSD if they are configured in RAID 0 but they just barely touch a decent SATA III SSD on the write speeds. At the time this article was written, and stated in the article, Samsung only intends on installing these in production computers with no plans of releasing them for retail, but that can be subject to change. -
MSI GT60 und GT70
Discussion in 'MSI' started by stadler5, Mar 5, 2012.