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    MSI GT60 gpu issues

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by TBC, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. TBC

    TBC Newbie

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    Seem to be having lower than normal fps in games than most people are getting with their GT60's.

    The only two games I installed so far are Skyrim and The Witcher 2. I am not having any problems with witcher so far by seeing other people's fps in various posts but I am having troubles with skyrim.

    Skyrim - Played in 1080p all settings set to max only 30-40 fps, sometimes dipping even into the 20's. Most posts and vids on youtube are getting around 45-60 fps with their GT60's, but I on the the other hand am getting around 15-20fps less.

    I have even tried overclocking the 670m but the fps only increases by 3-5 fps at most.

    Here is my current driver for the 670m - 295.62

    Any thoughts?
  2. Albake21

    Albake21 Notebook Consultant

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    I have the same problem with the overclocking. Ill overclock it to the max, but nothing happens. It will at most increase like 3 fps. I haven't played skyrim on it yet so i cant tell you what im getting. But i feel like I am having the same problem, that im getting way less than i should.
  3. Jdonz94

    Jdonz94 Newbie

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    Guys, I am having the exact same issue. And TBC, I can vouch for your FPS, because I also run Skyrim on the MSi Gt60 with Ultra settings. I get around 30-45 fps as well and there are annoying dips into the 20's. It's ridiculous because I too have seen the YouTube videos (such as the one on RhinoFeed's channel) of people getting almost a constant 50-60 fps with Skyrim maxed out, and I do not understand what is going on. Obviously we are plugged in and running on the Nvidia cards, so what's up with that big of an FPS difference? It's really annoying me that I can't find any way to get my graphics card to perform the way it's supposed to. And to let it be known, I have tried this with literally every one of the three drivers available. I've used the included driver, and the two beta version 304.-- verde series drivers. Also, overclocking does absolutely nothing for me as well. What's the problem? I really don't get it at all. I'm considering just doing a fresh install of windows.
  4. js042507

    js042507 Notebook Geek

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    Are these videos on YouTube people with the same model? Or specs? I can't really vouch for anything, as I havent played skyrim yet, but maybe that is all this laptop can get?

    Were you guys getting higher fps before??

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
  5. TBC

    TBC Newbie

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    Yes, the model I am using is the same as the one's I have seen through youtube vids, and the two videos I have watched of people playing skyrim on their GT60's have gotten a steady 50-60 fps in skyrim so what could be the problem. I heard in Rhinofeed's video review of the GT60 that he was pretty much maxing out the overclocks but again, I put my clocks to almost max and there was still not much of a difference.

    Oh and JDonz94, when you are playing skyrim, do all textures load right? because for some reason the long distant object detail in my skyrim is not loading correctly even though they are completely maxed out. When my character is walking around, the terrain in front of him about 100-200 is just completely foliage/texture less and it's super annoying. Are you experiencing any of these issues?
  6. js042507

    js042507 Notebook Geek

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    Maybe those people were running skyrim on an ssd? All I know, is that the msi driver gives the best performance/results. Don't use the beta. Other than that.... try tweaking some options in the nvidia control panel for that game. Like filtering, shading, etc... and be sure that the power led is orange!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
  7. Jdonz94

    Jdonz94 Newbie

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    Okay guys, problem solved! I have done a fresh install of windows, and the overclocking via MSi afterburner and the turbo button now do significant changes to the performance, and the card itself is performing extremely well. Here's how you do it:
    Firstly, for windows to install correctly, and I know this is weird, but it's an issue specific to this the raid settings this laptop uses, you need to download a copy of Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 PREINSTALLED. This version is patched to allow for install on raid 0 laptops. So you absolutely need this. Next, make sure you have your manufacturer disk with the drivers, because the 295.-- series provided by MSi is the most solid build for the 670m card so far. The betas are awful. Next, make sure to install your drivers for Wlan and the GPU and all of that so the laptop functions normally, and now when you game, even without overclocking, the laptop will wreck Skyrim with a solid 45-60 fps on Ultra, CONSTANTLY. I literally am using the turbo button only, and am getting 60 fps with everything maxed and I'm just running around and having a load of fun. It's excellent. This is the solution. I promise that, after hours of work and research and then finally doing it myself, I get a solid 60 fps in most things now. Minus Crysis 2 and Metro 2033 of course. If you guys have any questions, email me, I'd be happy to help: [email protected] Peace!
  8. trigger25sg

    trigger25sg Notebook Guru

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    I have the same issue as you guys with the gt60 and i think its has nothing to do with reformatting the laptop and clean installation with windows. Bascially skyrim at full setting with 8x AA 16x AF the frame rate is about 30+ to 40 @1920 x 1080 resolution with no overclocking with is pretty accurate. Those videos with 50-60+ frame rate i didnt get to see their video settings but when 4X AA 16x AF is applied...i do get frame rate about 50-60+ fps. Overclocking the gpu estimate 3-5 fps more. I dun think its possible gtx670m at stock clocks can hit 50-60 fps in skyrim which is about the performance of a gtx 675 or better.
  9. Jdonz94

    Jdonz94 Newbie

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    I understand what you're getting at, but after my reformat, I am playing with a constant 60 fps with the turbo button on fully maxed settings, meaning 16x AA. It does work. Also, should you decide to go the route I went, don't clean your registry with anything like ccleaner because it deletes a registry key that enables the gpu to work this well.
  10. TBC

    TBC Newbie

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    Fresh install sounds like a plan Jdonz94. Just Pmed your gmail for further instructions.