This mod it to battle the overheating issue and throttling of the GPU.
I have tested very briefly so far and have received 6-10C drop.
playing wow I used to get 93C then I did my buddies nvidiainspector mod which helped but was a work around with small performance drops. NOW I don't need any other software mods with this.
Feel free to ask any questions.
It is 5 80mm USB fans I got on ebay plus a 4port usb controller (I didn't realize each usb had a female port to add another usb into...)
Mod cost $50...completely worth it.
I will report back later with more concrete temp performance changes and as well as a better picture as I'm not done with the mod.
Attached Files:
Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
Haha that is f**king hilarious. I'm glad you're seeing an improvement.
It's unfortunate that we need to go to these lengths for moderate temps.
So could you please describe the mod? Does it solely comprise of blowing air directly into the top speaker grill? Did you glue the five fans together or did they come combined?
Concerns from a first glance are:
(1) This might put a lot of stress on the speaker drums and gather dust on them over time.
(2) The fans blades look like they're exposed and that would be rather dangerous. If I'm playing something while drunk, I don't want to lose fingers.
(3) The entire top row of the keyboard is half-covered.
If all you're doing is blowing air into the speaker grill from the top, it's certainly interesting that you're getting a 6-10 degree drop because it would mean that that speaker grill is a big open gateway to the CPU/GPU. -
2)Yes just blowing air downwards worked 6-10C drops and upwards was 1-2C.
3)They move a good bit of air and are more quiet than the laptop fans, I forsee NO problem with dust.
4) They are, that is what I am doing at this moment, they came with rubber mounts for anti-vibration and grills, and screws.
5)The row is now available due to better cable management(pics)
6)Look at the last pic, the *Speaker* area is actually an intake for the airflow.
The mod is looking good!
Have you considered a cooling pad to assist the bottom intakes? I bought this one, which allows for the fans to be repositioned:
The issue with adding a cooling pad then is that a cooling pad tilts the laptop forwards, so you might have to secure the modded fans with tape or something.
The cooler master pad is pretty neat, but temps can only be improved by a few degrees with only a cooling pad, so I might consider your mod if I seriously consider gaming on this laptop.
Although I might just sell the GS70 and opt for a GT72 when the maxwell update arrives, because it's kind of excessive that a mod like this is needed just to keep sub-90 degree temps.
Thanks for sharing though.
I know there are a ton of fans available on amazon/ebay, but could you link me to the ones you bought? -
HTPC Cable Box Cabinet 80mm USB Power Silent Fan 2pcs | eBay -
Thanks for the link. Those are two fans that share a single USB cable. How did you manage to prepare five fans?
EDIT: I just placed the three fans that came with the cooler master cooling pad on top of the speaker grill, and I'm already seeing a ~6 degree drop. It's definitely workingKevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
You can buy sets of 2 and sets of 1 from that seller on ebay
Also take a look at these logs and within 1min30secs you hit a throttle(mines set to throttle slower after hitting 90C) if i didnt use nvidia inspector then it would defiantly hit 93 and throttle like crazy.
NOW with the fans on, max temps of 85 barely hitting 86 for a second then dropping back. But at 1min30secs in it was 80C. so 10C drop for that point, with NO throttleing ever....Attached Files:
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
LOL, that's definitely going to cool the notebook and you.
extrospector likes this. -
So now I realize what I thought was the speaker grill is not. The entire perforated section is an air intake! The speakers are in the hinge.
Does anyone know if the keyboard is meant for air intake as well, like with the GT series? Because I'm currently covering it with a silicone keyboard cover. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
If im having a lengthy gaming session and i dont want the throttling issue, i use a small usb fan which you can pick up online for about £5. Its about 10cm in diameter and by simply having the fan facing down on the left vent it keeps the temps at around 88/89 degrees c
i'll try and upload a picture later to give you an idea of what i mean -
Just as a follow-up, I've purchased the 80mm fans (from ebay, by thermalmaster) and I've placed two above the intake on the GPU side, and two above the intake on the CPU side. This is a total of four fans, neglecting the one in the center so that I still have access to the power button.
Unlike proclivity, I'm also using a notebook cooler (cooler master U3 plus) with fans directed at each of the grills on the bottom of the laptop. The notebook cooler tilts the laptop forward so I've attached rubber feet to the fans above to keep them from sliding off.
I'm glad report that I'm getting a consistent ~15-20 degree drop of the GPU's temp with this setup (disregarding the CPU).
As an example, without additional cooling, running Skyrim maxed out (for the most part) pushes the 870M to the high-80s after a few hours. With the mod, the GPU runs in the high-60s even after several hours.
This just demonstrates that gaming ultrabooks like the GS70 are perfectly capable and just need a bit of assistance with cooling. This mod does the job and is an inexpensive one to put together. And considering that what the mod is doing is essentially making use of every single intake grill and continuously funneling air into the laptop from both sides, it's easy to imagine why it's so effective.
Thanks goes to the OP proclivity. I can now make do with the GS70 until I get my GT72.pr0cl1v1ty likes this. -
In addition: Recent, demanding games like Assassin's Creed Black Flag and Battlefield 4 push the 870M to throttling temps of 90-93 degrees on high settings, but with the full set of fans, AC4 and BF4 are running smoothly on high and the GPU stays around a more comfortable 80 degrees.
pr0cl1v1ty likes this. -
Any followup on this? Im going to follow you example and get a cooling strip for my GS70 as well.
There has been no flaw to this solution - the results are still consistent and I think are the most that can possibly be obtained with just utilization of airflow.
I'd like to mention that (1) I have not repasted, and (2) I've done the Nvidia Inspector mod to cap GPU temperature at 90 degrees, although I might consider reverting it to avoid restricting performance, as it might not be necessary anymore with this cooling mod.
The only hassles are cable management and having to set the fans up again after taking the laptop out for the day.pr0cl1v1ty likes this. -
"Scratches" - With the addition of rubber feet, which add about 3mm to their height, the fans are about 1 cm off the surface of the laptop, not the mention there are grills underneath.
"Will likely cause more harm [than good] to the laptop" - ...what? Please elaborate.
"All fans accumulate dust. These are no different." - That is correct. So what's your point? If one is capable of cleaning out the fans within a laptop, one would have even less trouble cleaning out external fans. The fans used by the OP and I can be disassembled as well, which makes cleaning them an easy task.
The OP and I are merely sharing the best method that we've found for reducing temperatures in the GS70. No one is begging you or anyone else to adhere to this mod.
If one such as you is not willing to make a minor aesthetic compromise to make this laptop more usable, that's perfectly fine. There's no need to make a rather poor attempt to shoot down another user's well-meaning contribution unless you yourself have tried the same mod and have found undesirable results. Unless there is more to your story/situation and you'd like to share (perhaps you are not aware of the cooling predicament GS70 users are in that warrants such compromises).pr0cl1v1ty likes this. -
Perhaps adding some fan filters will help combat the excess air dust that might be pushed
Overall it is a nice mod for desktop using, but I can see it being difficult to handle when you are very mobile hahaCongrats!
I don't know if any of you guys from the mods will revisit this topic but I'll give it a shot anyways
I opened my GS70 to replace the HDD and since I went to all the trouble I decided to do some testing with stressing software (Intel XTU and Furmark), to compare the maximum temperatures I would reach without the bottom cover. I have the model with the 765m and don't get GPU throttling, but the CPU does throttle if I disable undervolting.
Some considerations about the design:
1. Seeing from the bottom, the GPU and CPU chips are located under the mobo. The heatsink cooper tubes are located right under the top intake, and are sprayed black as seen here (for us not to notice the cooper glow?). Also, the heatsinks are not unified (CPU and GPU heat don't mix).
2.The fans pull air from their top and bottom and push it radialy. Here's the other angle, showing the heatsink on the right.
3. The intakes are NOT ALIGNED with the fans' bottoms as in almost every other notebook model I've seen:
Seeing the huge temperature drops (around 10 C as well) under load I got without the bottom cover (will edit with exact figures and pictures later), I presume the cooling system is being limited by not having enough air to push through the heatsinks. My idea is to create openings on the bottom lid following the same idea as this guy on his HP DV6, be it by removing a circle or square from the lid and adding a hard wire mesh like him, or by simply drilling intakes similar to the ones the lid already has, but on the correct position.
Having an external cooler underneath it will also have improved efficiency since there will be more openings for the air to be pushed inside. And this is also less clunky than the fans on the top intakes.
Does anyone have any experience in doing something like that in other models?
Can you think of the possible disadvantages (other than obvious loss of warranty)?
Thanks and happy modding :thumbsup: -
Good luck with your mod's @WolfFX I have no more needs to really revist this mod as mine is more than perfect as to what I wanted. I leave the 5 fan mod strip at my desk when I am gaming hard core.
Would love to have an update on this. . .
-Sent from my Galaxy Note 4 using Tapatalk -
RMXO I am considering purchasing the GS70 with the 970m. You say you have not had an issue with heating. Do you only use it on a desk or with a lap desk if sitting in a chair. What kind of applications are you running such as what games? I play a lot of WOW and Elder Scrolls Online so just curious before I buy. What other thoughts do you have on this notebook?
MSI GS70 Stealth Pro 2PE-024 MOD!
Discussion in 'MSI' started by pr0cl1v1ty, Aug 22, 2014.