Ordered a used GS60 064 with a second 128gb drive added yesterday still warrantied until mid December 2016. I looked at all options but kept coming back to this model for the beautiful 1080p matte screen. I looked into Clevo but couldn't get good reviews on the TN panel they used. I look forward to hopefully getting this in time for the weekend.
Thanks for the detailed review it really helped.
Let's be perfectly honest here.
I own a GS60 with Intel i7 sixth gen, 970m with 3G and all. The latop "looks" nice but that is where my favorable review ends.
After using it for "gaming" and light gaming at that (World of Warcrft and Star Wars the old republic) I found the 8 year old Dell XPS with a 630m beat this Gs60 hands down all day long. The GS60 had lag, very bad lag nd got extremely hot. MSI says "nothing is wrong with it" so I must assume this is "normal" performance. On Wow I got solid 60fps for about 15 minutes until it gets hot then I was getting 3 fps. yes you read that 3 fps on Wow. We all know Wow is NOT graphics intensive. meanwhile my old Dell was getting 55 all day and all night and remaining cool with no lag.
Dropping graphics to the lowest settings on the GS60 I managed to improve 3 fps to a solid 9 fps. Lag so bad still that mounting my noble stead took 13 seconds to complete and my instant cast spells only to 3 to 5 seconds to cast.
This is NOT an awesome gaming laptop. Why spend more than 2k on a laptop that gets beaten day in and day out by an 8 year old Dell XPS that you can now buy on ebay for less than 150 bucks?
Mine is going back except that MSI won't take it back. When I sent it in with video to show exactly what I had been doing and the fps issues I was having even with some side by side display so they could clearly see the 8 year old XPS eating the shiney new GS60 for lunch. They sent it back saying there was "nothing wrong with the laptop". So according to MSI it is "normal" for an old dell XPS with less than half the horse power to destroy their laptop on a non graphics intense game like World of Warcraft.
I will be publishing the video soon but first have to get past the MSI cease and desist that took down the last video. All the video showed was the two computers side by side and an FPS monitor to show the FPS and the two characters doing the same things side by side. It showed clearly how the MSI sucked and does NOT live up to the hype of reviews like this one.
Save your money this machine is all hype and no substance. The reality is go on ebay and buy any 5 year old gaming system for a few hundred bucks and that will destroy the GS60 hands down! Why? heat throttling will cause the GS60 to lag so bad that actually playing a game on it is impossible or at the very least maddening beyond words!NIGHTMARE likes this. -
Georald Camposano Notebook Enthusiast
^ There's probably something wrong with the laptop in that case. I'm guessing you had the ghost pro 002? I have the same laptop and have never experienced any throttling whatsoever. Witcher 3, GTA 5 and Metal Gear Solid 5 are just some of the games I've been running on it.
I have(had) the GS60-6qe-002us
After sending it back and them telling me there was nothing wrong I strong armed them into accepting the laptop back. I'm glad I got out from under that expensive junk.
I still advise the buyer be wary. These things are not gaming machines if 5 year old gaming laptops destroy it.
Side by side after just 15 minutes of gaming the GS60 dropped to 3 FPS on wow and the old machine maintained 55. Very sad it can come to that so quickly. And sadder still they would send it back claiming nothing is wrong. aka "It works exactly as intended."
Thanks though. -
Georald Camposano Notebook Enthusiast
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Sounds like a heatsink issue to me, I'm sorry you had to go through that.
MSI GS60 Ghost Pro with GTX 970m 6GB Review by HTWingNut
Discussion in 'MSI' started by HTWingNut, Nov 22, 2014.