Hi, I bought a GS60 3k-097 for about $1200 after tax. So, I was wondering if I should return it and buy the one with the 970m for 1500 no tax? The one with a 970m has a 1080p screen and 12gb of ram. Is the $300 worth it? I had a MacBook 15 w retina display, thought the 1080p would look significantly worse. I was planning on playing at 1080p or 900p while gaming and using the 3k for web browsing, video and photo editing.
I bought this :$1200 after tax
http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00JSA1PH0/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?qid=1433614699&sr=8-8&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70&keywords=Msi gs60&dpPl=1&dpID=41WR5M1+9cL&ref=plSrch
Return for this: $1500 no tax and free game
Let me just start off with the 3K screen is amazing.....but I would still get the 1080p screen and 970M combo.
It's perfect for 1080p gaming and much more powerful than the 870M.
If your on a budget then $1200 is a pretty decent price for that SKU but if you plan on keeping it a while the extra $300 is well worth the money for the second SKU. -
That's up to you , if I already had a gaming rig I wouldn't even bother with a gaming laptop.
Personally I'm more of a laptop gamer, (like the mobility) but its nice to have choices -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
The battery provides just enough juice for everything in the system except GPU regardless premium level.
MSI GS60 3k vs GS60 970m
Discussion in 'MSI' started by ruy9, Jun 6, 2015.