Looking at a laptop I could occasionally play modern games on. I play on my desktop mostly, but every now and then it would be nice to play in the hotel room or at friends' houses.
Which of these would be the best bet? I know there's a significant performance increase from the GT840m to the GTX870m--not sure if it's going to be worth the extra cost/bulk for an occasional thing, though.
MSI GP60 Leopard-010 15.6" Laptop Computer - Black GP60 LEOPARD010 - Micro Center
MSI GT70 Dominator-895 17.3" Laptop Computer - Brush Aluminum Black DOMINATOR-895 - Micro Center
The GTX 870M is faaaaar superior to the 840M. You can play most games on high-ultra with the 870M whereas with the 840M, you'd have to drop most newer titles to low to get playable framerates. Some games such as Thief and Company of Heroes 2 would be unplayable. But then again the GP60 is actually portable and is much cheaper.
The two laptops are so different, it's like comparing peanuts to donuts. Do you need portability? Battery life? Something future-proof? Something cheap? You need to give us some info on what you're looking for, mate. -
Peanuts vs. doughnuts can be a tough choice, sometimes.
I was looking for something to replace my Thinkpad X220. I like portability, but the HD3000 in the X220 can't play much of anything as far as games go, which is something I'd like to be able to do on my laptop from time to time.
Cheap would be nice, but not necessary. Every extra dollar I spend on a laptop is a dollar that can be put toward something else, so I'm trying not to overbuy, but also I don't want to underbuy. -
try considering the GE60, a GTX 860M in a chassis similar to the GP60
Unfortunately the local store doesn't carry that one. I wish they did as I've seen it online in the $900ish range. But I'm not willing to buy online, so I just have the two initial choices.
I think at this point I'll go with the GP60, since I don't plan to game often on a laptop. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
GP is like budget gaming = $, and GT is premium gaming = $$$. -
Yeah, they're quite different for sure. After checking out the screen of the GP60, I decided to go with the GT70. The 1920x1080 resolution on a 15.6" screen was just too tiny for me.
Just unboxed the GT70 and I like it a lot so far.Kevin@GenTechPC likes this.
MSI GP60 vs GT70
Discussion in 'MSI' started by ThorofAsgard, Dec 1, 2014.