Hello guys,
I'm very happy with this laptop (more than my previous GE75 8SG with 2080) but basically, my 9750h flashes red on ring especially while benchmarking with Cinebench.
- No matter what power option (performance or optimized)
- Dragon Center uninstalled
- NVram reset (60 secs power off button)
- Tried ICCmax for CPU core & CPU cache to 200A
=> None solve the issue.
Is there something wrong with my Primary PP0 limit ? Sorry I don't understand anything about that section and couldn't find any clear information on it.
Thanks a lot guys for your help !!
Here are my settings :
Ok forgive my dumbness :/
I've found why, it was so obvious I couldn't see it right away : I haven't repasted yet so my Temp went up to 95°C, which triggers the Prochot 95.
Thermal throttling that made power consumption lower.
Btw, this laptop is a real beast ! I'm so happy with it. IMO, it has a lot more value than the 8/9SG ! -
The 8750H/9750H are mandatory undervolts if you haven't already.
MSI GE75 9SF (i7 9750h + RTX 2070) : RING EDP other flashing red on Cinebench R15
Discussion in 'MSI' started by cloudpm, Jul 27, 2019.