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    MSI GE72 2QE Chassis Compatible Motherboards?

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by EastEnder1, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. EastEnder1

    EastEnder1 Newbie

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    Hi! Thanks in advance for any help you might have!

    I am wondering if anyone might know what MSI motherboards are compatible with the MSI GE72 2QE MS-1791 chassis. My son was given a practically new unit, with perfect outsides but a faulty motherboard.

    I want to install a working motherboard, but it doesn't have to be the exact one, as long as it will fit inside, work with the ports and the screen. As you know, motherboards for these are expensive and hard to find, so I am looking for all options.

    It looks to me that at the very least the MS-16J11 motherboard used in the GE72 is also used in the GE62. Is this true and are both units compatible? The price difference is huge for what looks to be the same board. Also, are there any other motherboards from other MSI versions that will be compatible for the GE72 2QE MS-1791? Any tips of any kind would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
  2. markr54632

    markr54632 Newbie

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    In general laptop motherboards are very specific to chassis. You may get away with using a motherboard from a different sub-model eg 6rf or 7rf. however it is pretty rare. Anything you find will be used. Unless MSI feels the need to chime in and provide you with the data, which they wont, you are unlikely to find a better answer other than buy one and try it if you feel it worth the risk. Send it in for "authorized repair" or find a shop that does component level repair (they do exist albeit hard to find).
    Yes the motherboard is expensive on these, you're very unlikely to find anything usable for under 3-500, and even then buying used components online is risky business. Having it repaired by msi outside of warrantee is probably only 500-700. A newer laptop is only double that.

    Selling the chassis, screen, mobo even though it is dead there are usable components, etc would likely net you more than its worth to fix.

    Not super helpful, but honestly unless I could repair at a component level I wouldnt bother.