.,.what is needed
SILENT OPTION "6-7TH and older" or DRAGON CENTER / MSI CENTER "8TH and newer"
only one application at a time !!! and no-EC support in HWINFO
some models support "0" zero fan speed ,..,I not really recommend this.![]()
The laptop fans cool all its parts and full circulation is better for stability and lifetime.
.,,for this is some EC FW locked - 2400/2700RPM min by defaults in "THIN notebook" / or uses "0" only for d-GPU when run OPTIMUS "CPU+iGPU"
maximum fans speed is different for lot notebooks "here is only example for usage"
THIN - 7700rpm in maximum
and older device - 3300rpm in maximum
60 x ./. - your RPM or custom research !
minimum is 0rpm / 1200rpm / 2400-2700rpm
PROCHOT for CPU 94C / HK CPU 99C ,.,.my recommended temperatures is max 90C !
GTX - 85C / RTX - 80C "this is under 5C from maximum operating point - before slowdown"
my GTX1070M example 91C max / 94C slowdown / 99 shutdown
CPU example for COOLER BOOSTER "under 90C"
20-30-50-60- 150-150 - repaired curve
1200-1800-3000-3600- 5500-5500rpm
45C 55C 65C 78C 89C 98C example - for oem temperature points
or probarly need fix GPU for low usage "web usage + random noise"
slower spin ?? "sensitivity fix on low load"
45C 55C 65C ??C ??C ??C - more range for one fan speed
and OEM problem - example
20-34-40-55-60-65 ??? my CPU
45C 55C 65C 78C 89C 98C - example "too late" for full fan speeds must use special button
1200-2040-2400-3300-3600-3900rpm ???
oem weird setup "example from SILENT OPTION" but real OEM is similar.
edit "weird fans speed after DC update or EC // or read real EC points "7TH is only tested + DC must be installed "
or APPLICATION.TXT - here exist real points from EC FW
C:\ProgramData\MSI "hidden folder"
FIX for weird fans after update "DC / EC FW"
remove this + reboot
,.,probably only for 7TH and older devices
for older devices "under 6TH"
under 6TH + older devices "GAMING CENTER my recommended for full notebook management" / SILENT OPTION 1.0.1510.2301
6-7TH - 1.2.x EXE or SILENT OPTION 1.0.1603.3101 "possible works for new devices ,..,but not recommended !"
8TH - 2.6.x EXE
9TH - 2.6.x EXE + some is UWP 2.0 "from windows store"
10TH - UWP 2.0.x
11TH - MSI CENTER 1.0.x
or - CREATOR and similar editions "mind error"EC RESET "this chip control power / temperatures report / fans - and shutdown limit ? "
EC reset steps - fully shutdown ,.,.no AC .,,.small hole on back-cover "30s"
after this add AC "wait" 5min ,..,run system
EC reset "mark"
,..,you must have to see the difference in booting "best is disable WIFI -disabled diode"
and check this diode at boot "after reset"
we'll see
,,. but i need feedback !! "fast translation"
and try find APPLICATION.TXT "in C:\ProgramData\MSI "hidden folder"
here see the actual OEM temperature points for your notebook "or must use custom debug ,.,possible to send this guide later"
But all the laptops that I could try have the last point "too late in AUTO" set so that you need to use a COOLER BOOSTER
otherwise the function would not even make sense "after this no need COOLER BOOSTER using directly .,.now is AUTO under 90C or in your preference setup" -
OSD - overlay in 3d "real-time monitoring" // debug
.,.what is needed
this combo is best or HWINFO + RIVA
my fast configuration "temps/clock/power limit/FPS" -in GRAPH for better monitoring results!
+ tray icon - CPU STATE / CPU / GPU temp "optional + alarm"
.,,possible use fast this pre-config + custom next customization
or must little FIX some items in setup "this from GT75 + native GPU"
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner\Profiles\ yours gpu profile !
example "find similar file format - your GPU ID"
open this in notepad
add next parameters line
"INSERT key ON/OFF - OSD overall in my pre-config"
and must running AF/RIVA in background // or create custom setup in AF app !
pre-config link AF-OSD.zip
copy my backup here
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner\Profiles\HERE
example for extended OSD from HWINFO
now you see all in real-time / or all is in AF or in HWINFO log history "when running in background"
setup your device better !
edit ,.., custom ALARM setup / or here "MONITORING tab" fix others items when not works pre-config
red - alarm setup / yellow add item on OSD
,.,.and custom ALARM sound "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner\Sound\Alarm.wav"
replace this file "starcraft is good source"
Attached Files:
Last edited: Dec 17, 2021 -
what is the goal here?
so that each user achieves full performance / stability and longer life.
but problem is feedback and translation "need help or PM for repair translation" ,..,help is welcome
if there is interest and free time.
,,i will try to add complete management for CPU / GPU / MSI tricks / tips /basic repairs /,.., etc
edit "direct link"
could anyone send APPLICATION.TXT ,..,for real temp points "written above" ?
any user + DC 1.2-x-x "I do not use DC long time"Attached Files:
Last edited: Dec 17, 2021 -
MSI FANS setup "fast guide"
Discussion in 'MSI' started by NeXt3R, Dec 17, 2021.