JAN 7TH TO FEB 25TH, 2019
Purchased my GE75 2080 from HIDevolution, at the time the promo wasn’t listed however it is now. My purchase date falls in the range of the promo. Hopefully I can get my codes! Emailed Donald@HIDevolution regarding this.
Just a FYI for anyone else who made a recent purchase you should be eligible.
EDIT** Donald got right back to me, codes will be provided once NVIDIA send them to HID.
Yeah I got the promotion via email, I hope I can get a code with the GS75. I am not sure because it seems its still not available.... but yeah resellers will always have your back. Keep in mind that this promo only applies to 2080 users. 2070 or 2060 I think only get 1 game?
“For a limited time, purchase a qualifying GeForce RTX 2080 Ti or 2080 graphics card, laptop, or gaming desktop and get both Battlefield V™ and Anthem™. Pick up a qualifying GeForce RTX 2070 / 2060 graphics card, laptop, or gaming desktop and get your choice of these incredible titles.” -
I am more inclined for Anthem, I don't particularly care about BF5. Too bad we can't gift these things anymore ;p
Lunatik and custom90gt like this.
MSI Anthem + BFV NVIDIA Promo
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Lunatik, Feb 6, 2019.