Last week prior to ordering in several of these ID2's
I read a thread and saved some txt from it regarding the bios once updated.
I have yet to figure this keystroke out, I am using bios 10p
Should this be done during post?, while in bios-setup?
None seem to work.
My laptop is not in front of my but I think the Alt+Ins keystroke displays more features in the advanced menu.
Not sure if your gonna oc the machine but under DRAM speed, mine is set to 667, Auto or 800 fails Orthos (I have DDR-2 800 memory)
Also my OC is set to 16%, I can pass Orthos at 20% but I can't finish a 32MB Pi calculation. -
I've read the same thing somewhere.... don't remember where...
Anyway I thing you should do this combination while in main BIOS page. I've had one Gigabyte MB, wich had hidden options (for overclock ofcourse), the combination was different (Cntr+F1) and it was working only in main BIOS screen...
You can try this... if I think something else will write. I can't check this due to lack of the laptop(They should ship it to me today and then maybe two weeks if I'm lucky).
It is Alt+Insert within the Advanced menu as you said..
I kept trying the Ins which is also the 0 key on the num pad
I like to see them settings including the "north & southbridge" ....
Now you can set the percentage of OC
This maybe useful the default is set at minimum of 16% OC
It lets you also pick 20% & 24%
Make sure you have a good CPU temp reading and don't burn up your CPU guys -
I was also able to access this "secret" menu on my 1722-id1, but I don't see anything that looks like it will overclock. Cool to know it's there though.
EDIT: After updating to the 1.0S BIOS, the overclock option is now there. If only I had a turbo button!???
MSI 1722 Hidden Bios Features?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by cyber16, Feb 19, 2009.