Hi, I just bought a MSI 1656 from xotic pc and I love it. BUT, I have a question and I'm a little worried.
I have the i7 820QM processor, it idles around 48 Celsius but when I am rendering and HD video in sony vegas, the temps get as high as 97 Celsius. to me this seems way to hot, Is this bad?
I turned off the turbo feature to see what that would do.
the temperatures stayed around 87 celsius while rendering.
according to intel, the thermal spec for my processor is 100 Celsius.
but something tells me it shouldn't get that hot.
how long of a life will my processor have running it this hot?
sorry, lots of questions but would realy appreciate some answers. thanks!
BTW, I am using real temp and HWmonitor to monitor my temps
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Yes that is too hot.
Maybe check that the heatsink is seated properly or change the thermal paste.
Check that the fan/s is/are ok. -
I e-mail xotic, they said those temps don't sound to out of the ordinary, so I don't know -
Cpus usually shut down at 100 degrees... You should not be getting 97.
Try re-applying and reseating the heatsinks, like moral hazard said.
Theres a guide in my signature for the 1722, it may help you. -
Or you could complain that the fan is really really loud all the time (full speed) and you find the machine runs really really hot?
I suppose it would be really loud at 97. -
the only thing keeping me from re-seating it is the fact that I bought a three year warrantee and I don't want to void it. but there are no "void" stickers that I can see so I might give it a try.
what kind of thermal paste is recomended. I was thinking of maybe going with IC Diamond but maybe thats overkill -
Naaa, i would say ICD is right for the components that little machine has to put up with, best paste will result in best cooling for that thing, so go with the ICD, also you can email MSI to ask about repasting, heck even tell them your problem and they should let you regardless of how the strict warrenty is, they seem to be quite good in that area (they even let you swap out components! except the warrenty for that component is its own so MSI cant help you with other things.)
Keep us posted regarding your heat issue. I'm right on the border line with purchasing this laptop.... also there should be an official owners thread for this laptop correct?
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
Do you seriously only have 29 posts? 9 reps things is impressive for that many posts. -
Hey thanks for the link Darth Bane.
ok, I'll let everyone know what happens.
BTW, how much ICD compound should I buy? 1.5 Grams or what? -
well xotic just e-mailed me back saying it would be fine if I reaplied the thermal paste. so as soon as I get some paste and get everything finished i'll give everyone a review on it
Have you tried undervolting or using a notebook cooler?
Arctic Cooling MX-3 is the best compound on the market. ICD is just over-hyped
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
I don't think it really matters which one people get, the difference between different brands isn't substantial.
. It does make a difference , some are electrically conductive and some not
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
I'm not going to under volt my CPU, that would ruin the whole purpose of having a quad core and intels turbo boost feature. -
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
Ok everyone, I applied the IC Diamond today, rendered an HD video, and my temps only got up to 63 C. this is great! before it was at 97 C.
So much better now.
one question though, core #0 and #1 tend to stay 2 -4 degrees cooler than #2 and #3. #3 being the warmest. i dont think its to much to worry about just wondered what you guys had to say. -
Excellent, and yeah Brandon, we've noticed this strange temp irregularity too, can't understand why you occasionally have a core that randomly spikes, good to know you just lost 34 C LOL!
ok good, that makes me feel better. thanks catacylsm
It could have even been just reseating the heatsinks that did it :???:
Yeah i'd think so too, or a lack of paste in general haha, my how these things just slip, by.
there wasnt even enough paste to cover half the cpu, only about a quarter of the cpu was even touching the heat sink, i put three dots of ic diamond along the cpu and it seems to be working fine now
Ahh, now this would make perfect sense, quality check improvement on MSI products anyone?
Damn, that sucks, thats blatant dodgy!
So in the end we should recommend to everyone who buys an msi to reapply the thermal paste.
MSI 1656 Heat Issue?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Brandonw88, Jan 21, 2010.