Well, I just got the laptop today and put everything together and when I tried to turn it on but there's no display.
I have;
OCZ PC6400 2gbx2
WD Scorpio 320HD
Intel 5300
I'm trying to update the bios blindly with no success. I'm sure there's a way to get around this but I can't find the answer. I've also searched everywhere but nothing helps. I just created a bootable USB drive to update the BIOS from USB but since I can't see what I'm doing, I can't get it to work. Please help!
you really should not have to update the bios i dont think for the t9300.
put the bios files into the main root directory of the usb stick..
now boot to the usb by hitting i believe f11 for a boot menu i believe its option 3 so wait a minute just to be sure you are there and hit 3.
now wait a few more minutes to make sure it hits a a: prompt and type flash and hit enter
give it maybe 5 minutes to be sure. pull out the battery and restart after reinserting the battery -
Hmm, still can't seem to get it. When I connect the USB, the computer turns on and off on it's own. I don't know why. On my USB, there's a flash.bat, A****.10P, and AFU***.EXE. Thanks for your help.
imo sounds like more than a bios issue there. i would either try with a different cpu or check the cables to the screen first myself
i am pretty sure the t9300 should be supported out of the box so there should be no reason it should not boot -
Yea, I'm trying to find what computer store sells CPU. What other processors work out of the box?
Now it turns on shuts off and turns back on again. No sound, no display, nothing. Just the blue light on the power button and "crescent moon"
SAME PROBLEM I HAD! Make sure you turn the screw to tighten down the processer. It's the screw right next to the processor.
If that doesn't work, I don't know what will. -
Yeap, it finally worked. You have to turn it with extra force. Btw, I'm running vista and it's boots up super slow. Any pointers?
shouldnt mine is super fast.
turn off prefetch. -
what is prefetch? how do i get to it?
-Type (without the qoutes) 'services.msc' and click Ok.
-A new window will pop up, listing the services. Find Superfech and double-click on it.
-Click the Stop button, and Startup drop-down menu, select Disabled. Click Ok and close the windows. -
wiki will save the world
and looks like google is gonna help, too
http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080813014744AAdK9vL -
thanks, yea, i googled it too. It's still not super fast but improved a bit. Anything else I should change?
type msconfig in the search to open the config box. go to boot and set the timeout for 10 seconds.
see if that helps. also i recc jv16powertools or similar. check your startup procc's and see if there are things trying to update etc while its starting -
it takes a very long time to load before the login screen. After that it's fine. I did everything you told me to but it's not getting any faster.
something sounds odd then. do you have ahci enabled in the bios? did you flash the bios? i have three and all three start like lightning, may want to consider a fresh install even.
Yea, ahci is enabled. I did not flash the bios yet. On my setup, there's no option to boot from USB. It's really slow on the screen with the loading bar and "windows corp" right before the log in window. After that it's pretty fast.
MSI 1651 No Display
Discussion in 'MSI' started by dilumari, Feb 12, 2009.