Will there be any retailers in Canada with the MSI 1039?
Goodluck, the only place is probrably EuroCom, but even now they don't have it.
Besides importing from the US, you may be out of luck. -
Alright, so is there any way to get the laptop in Canada without having to pay ridiculous duty fees?
dig a tunnel
hmmm. go south of the border buy it. remove notebook and accessories from its box; tape your name and canadian address under the chassis of the computer; put it in a obviously used backpack which you brought with you when you crossed the border then return home. if you are a student this would be easy. when canadian custom border personnel ask you what you did in the states say you visited your relatives. if they ask did you receive gifts, say you gave gifts instead. exactly where you stayed in the US go invent but be consistent and confident otherwise...
mostly, depending on the shipping method, there are brokerage fees. i once bought a DTS laserdisc from the states and the brokerage fee was more expensive than the item itself. also, even if you buy used stuff, you have to pay PST and GST on the item.
MSI 1039 in Canada?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Sleigh, Apr 24, 2006.