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    MSI 1029 won't boot off anything!

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by SuperCoolAl, Sep 14, 2006.

  1. SuperCoolAl

    SuperCoolAl Notebook Enthusiast

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    I installed Vista RC1 and after messing it up so that no sound driver would install I decided to switch back to XP. So I booted off the XP CD and for some reason it decided to start copying files to hard disk straight away without giving me the option to reformat. I remembered I had this issue before with Vista Beta 2 but couldn't remember how I fixed it, so I powered off and powered back on and the same thing happened. I powered off again and now the oddest thing is happening:

    1. The notebook will not pass POST
    2. I cannot enter the BIOS
    3. I can however switch early enough to view POST messages, the last POST message to be displayed is 'Ultra-DMA Mode 5, S.M.A.R.T. Enabled and Status OK' and the system simply hangs, however if I press delete at this point to enter the BIOS a message changes further up to say 'Entering SETUP...' but it still stays there (so the notebook isn't completely unresponsive for some reason it just won't go any further?!)
    4. All fans work, if I insert a CD it will spin up
    5. I am using BIOS version 2.70 (the latest one)
    6. I can fill up the keyboard buffer and so it will start beeping when I press more keys
    7. This happens with CD in, CD out, battery in, battery out
    8. Removing all sources of power for seven hours does not fix the problem

    I'm probably listing a lot of junk but with this really odd situation I thought no information is too much information! Any ideas?!
  2. blancj

    blancj Notebook Enthusiast

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    Seems you have committed what my friends refer to as worst thing for an OS.
    Never interrupt the CAB file copy operation.

    I would suggest pulling the drive, use what ever method you have to plug into a working computer as a secondary drive. (buying an adaptor/enclosure might be needed) From there see what you can do with it as a secondary drive.
    unfortunately I suspect you will need to fdsk it. (Which I cant help you with.)
  3. houdini

    houdini Notebook Guru NBR Reviewer

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    Hmm, I think that if you wait long enough when it says "Entering SETUP..." it will enter setup at one point but it won't see the harddrive...just a long shot, but I remembered seeing that before in a desktop PC.