According to the msi official site. A new 14" wxga notebook will be release soon. Unlike its brothers it will be using a Pentium processor rather than a turion processor. Notebook does not have an exact release date but i can imagine soon if they already have a installation guide for it. You can see it HERE
It will contain a nvidia gpu with 128mb vram. Exact nvidia gpu is unknown
DDR2 ram - max of 1gb ( thats too low to me )
Notebook will weigh 4.96 lbs.
it will feature what most of its brothers features bluetooth, dvd dual layer and etc.
Though some downfalls it would be great to see a new 14" gaming notebook be available to the market. Hope this will be competition for the chembook 2030 and the asus w3v.
It is tentatively expected to arrive next wednesday.
even though some say its being release with a 6200go.. there is no official spec on what exactly is the nvidia gpu.. so we would all hope for a 6400go with a dedicated 128mb or 6600go (highly doubtful)
As of 11/05/2005 product list from MSI the GPU is still listed as:
"nVidia NV 44M-V
(turbo Cache 300/300)" -
if it had the 6400, it would seriously challenge the w3v and probably become more popular than the compal EFL 30 since many people are put off by the latter's older RAM type.
I'm also glad this MSI model does not have vents on the right! hooray for right handed external mouse users -
yeah it uses a nv-44.. so it still can be a 6400go i think.. i highly doubt they will stick a 6200go knowing msi.. theyll prob stick a 6400go into there cause they listen to customers opinions also =]
now this notebook going to make me think whether i should jump to the sony s580 or this.. or maybe ill get bothlol.
Oh who oh why do they make the perfect laptop and then ruin it by putting in a crappy GPU???
I know there are heat issues, but there's gotta be a clever engineer somewhere that can overcome that.
If they made this with a 6600 or x700 I would have bought it yesterday! -
well most likely i am sensing a 6400 gpu. So msi better not dissapoint me lol. Well the 6600 is doubtful because then it will compete with their 15" brother.
In terms of sales it wouldnt be good for msi to have a 6600 gpu on the 14". To compete against another of your notebooks.
Only possibility the 6600go would be in, is if they have it as a 64mb dedicated vram. -
Well, to me the 15" brother is just too big. The 14" widescreen is perfect! Xmeld lists the GPU as a 6200. That's at least two levels too small for my taste. I guess I'll just have to keep looking for that perfect laptop...
as long as the official company does not state the official gpu.. then i will believe that i will see the 6400go! lol
anyway jabba try the sony bx it isnt a 14" widescreen but it is a 14" xga with an x700 gpu. -
Yeah, I've been eyeing the BX since October. I'd have to see it in real life though. Then I'd have to get the wife's approval for going for a non-widescreen - that will be the toughest challenge!
I would have loved to get an MSI. I've heard lots of good things about them and they don't seem to be as pricey as Sony. However, now that they got the 1022 coming out I assume it will take a long time until they release another 14" widescreen with a better GPU. -
Any news on this?
what approximately would batter life be? if its over 3 hours, thats acceptable, 4 hours is great.
also any news on what GPU this has? i've heard 6200 on most sites but it still could possibly be the 6400...............
can't wait till tommarow when this is suppose to be available! -
I should be receiving an evaluation unit of the MS-1022 in the next week to 2 weeks. Hopefully my findings will shed some light on specs, performance, build quality, etc. Now I just gotta figure out where I'm gonna find the time for another review
Sorry to kill the thrill but the GPU inside is a 6200...!! I just went over site who confirm it. But I still dont' understand why people want graphic power in their laptop!! At 1280 native resolution, a 6400 or a 6600 can't make a difference. I't impossible to play any 3d games, unless you want to go beyond 1024. And at those resolutions, you'll have a non-native output, with blurry text and polygons... Am I right ?
Speaking of the MSI-1022, his succes will remain on it's price and on it's battery life. And speaking for myself, Sub 750$ for the barebone price and 4hours battery time would be asked -
A Geforce 6600 Go is actually fairly more powerful than the 6400 and 6200 Go from what I've seen and from benchmarks. A 6600 Go will get almost double the 3D Mark 05 score of a 6400 Go... I maybe wrong, but this trend is the general impression that I've gotten reading these forums.
Also, one could play games at 1024 X 768 and it will look sharp if the image isn't "stretched."
People who game will most likely have a fairly powerful desktop and would like a laptop fairly capable of playing the latest games (albeit at much reduced settings). The difficult part is finding a laptop 6.5 lbs and under. Currently, finding a good gaming laptop under 5.5 lbs is not possible with current technology. -
Nvidia site says it has the 6600.
Don't shoot the messenger, but I just received firm confirmation from MSI that the MS-1022 has a 6200 Go.
No worries - thanks for the confirmation. Hey - it's MSI that are shooting themselves in the foot. My $1500-2000 that I would be willing to spend on such a notebook will go elsewhere...!
a little while ago u already said that if it didn't have an X700 or equivilent u didn't want it, no need to restate it since its even lower then expected. I guess i shouldn't have doubted X-meld's site. But the chembook 2030 has the 6400 i guess.
wait, the chembook site says its got a 6200, but its actually got a 6400. could this mean that the msi sight could be wrong like the chembook one? -
I received word direct from MSI's US Notebook Product Manager.
but if this doesn't have a 6400 and isn't that much cheaper, hellow chembook 2030! -
has this been released yet??
i don't think so according to the msi site it still says coming soon bummer
- had them for sale....SOLD OUT!!!!
Wow the price is higher than the Chembook 2030 and it is slower aswell....
oh, i knew they had them, but i thought that was just pre-sale or something. i was waiting for discount laptops or xmeld for them to show up.
New ETA on the MS-1022 is Tuesday of next week, Dec. 6. We never had the MS-1022 (it has always been listed as "sold out" as there was no stock) but merely listed its specs when they were published and did so as the expected ETA was only a few days off.
^ooh so you're the Xmeld guy! i always thought it was Fords8
I'm pretty sure unleaded is from rawpower?
^I'm not sure? I forgot if it was rawpowerpc or xmeld that had the "sold out" but def one of the two.
Fords8 isn't from Rawpower or Xmeld, I think he runs Computer Hardware and Accessories which doesn't have an online presence that I know of. David, from Xmeld (a real good guy and a friend via daily Yahoo! Messenger convos) posts as CoffeeShark on the "other" forums.
ROFL, the other forums. Yes I know all about CoffeeShark and his posts in FRT in off topic. Also, Unleaded which one is it. Rawpowerpc or Xmeld as I am becoming more and more interested in the MSI 17" lappys, but I wish to deal with a reputable company in case I have warranty issues.
Hehe, I tried to provide your answer by process of elimination in my prior post
rawpower i believe.
and any more news? will this be cheaper then the compal EFL30? -
Where is it?
Arrived from Taiwan...TODAY!
When is the review expected?
Are there any dealers/distibutors in Ontario or in Canada prepared to sell this?
I've formally requested an eval unit today. Awaiting approval/ETA.
Demo will arrive Thurs. 12/15.
do you have the name of the distributor in Taipei?
Can't wait to see your eval. The battery performance and the screen are the parts i'm interested about. Will you post a small review and pics on this forum ?
to Unleaded: Since you sell both Compal and MSI, will you do a comparison between the two units?
and Asus as well?
Wow, haha, hmm, that's a tall order. Can I just start with the MS-1022?
MSI 1022 ( 14.1" wxga )coming soon
Discussion in 'MSI' started by orijin, Nov 19, 2005.