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    MS-1651 vs. NC10 & T61p

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by NecessaryEvil, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. NecessaryEvil

    NecessaryEvil Notebook Evangelist

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    Just took some pictures (not as good as I'd have liked...I'll have to remember to check my settings on the camera after I loan it to my wife from now on!)



    I built the MS-1651 to use primarily for Ubuntu, and also for some gaming over at a friend's place. I had the harddrive and WiFi on hand, the build cost me $425. Certainly beats the hell out of whatever I'd find new at any other stores.

    Really wish the MS-1651 could boot off the internal SD reader...but I've had no luck doing so.

    The keyboard is mushy compared to the T61p and Samsung NC10. I don't really know which I'll use at school more. The NC10's resolution is annoying at times, but the keyboard is almost Thinkpad-like in quality. The MS-1651's keyboard is larger but almost springy depending on what keys I'm using.

    Fingerprints and palm prints are common occurrences, but I still have my red rag from the Acer Ferrari I bought in 2005.

    The jump down in resolution hurts quite a bit...but I didn't buy it for high res work, as my T61p is still my mobile workstation. This is just for entertainment and Linux; at the time, the ID2s with WSXGA+ weren't listed on ebay.
  2. vinceboiii

    vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.

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    wow great pictures man!