Muwahahaha, beat Coffeeshark to the punch. What is badged internationally as the M655 offering an AMD Turion paired with a Mobility Radeon X1600 which is, essentially, the refresh for the MS-1029 is due in the States in early March. It is unclear right now what 15.4" LCD(s) will be offered, but there is a WXGA and WSXGA+ variant...we can only hope that the WSXGA+ comes here (though we know how that's turned out in the past).
brianstretch Notebook Virtuoso
Neato. Hmm, 1036 17" with the old GPU now, 1039 15.4" with the new GPU later, or wait for Socket M2...
(Hmm, we need a "Head Explodes" smiley...) -
And thanks for the information! I think this might be the laptop I'll finally decide on! Haha, unless MSI releases information on yet ANOTHER uber sexy laptop to make me want to wait even longer... First the 1036, now this....
Any word on pricing? And do you know if the chassis will be the same as the 1029? I wasn't a big fan of the gray outlining the keyboard and touchpad. -
i'm guessin the MSI 1034 will be the 1032's update?
any word on what gpu will be in this one? -
Nope, Goren, it will be a Duo Core solution with UMA
I would suspect, however, that a dedicated graphics variant will follow closely on its heels though that information has not been released as yet. -
unleaded, did they make any design changes on the MS-1029- for example did they change the side of the main vent so that it doesnt blow hot air on your right hand?
will the MS-1029 be dropping in price?
also, do you know anything about the price and other specs for the MS-1039? -
All we saw was a design sample (pre-production), so I can't really say how the production unit will look when it is released.
To be honest, I didn't even pay attention to the vent location, but then again, who's to say that where it was positioned on the mockup would carry over to production units? -
thx, unleaded
You jetsetter you!
MSI now has the MS-1039 up on their site and I must say it is HAWT!
Can't wait! -
Note that the CPU/CPU does NOT vent to the right! Woohoo!
Ah, but note the WXGA resolution. Not that I am complaining about that, but I am waiting to see the 1038/1042 17"ers!
It's always something with you isn't it?
Let me change my mind entirely now that i have the lowdown on the specs. Forget the 17"ers this is my new lappy! Really got to thinking about it and would I really play any games over WXGA resolution? Don't think why go higher? -
Time until pharoke changes his mind again....3......2......1...... -
You may be right. Although, I have been thinking about it and 15.4" is the right size to remain portable, the 1280x800 resolution is perfect as I won't be playing any games over that in reality and the 1039 has the glossy screen I like, along with all the same features of the 1036.
at under 7 pounds, the 1039 sounds good, but we'll have to see how the 6-cell performs, I'm hoping the current 9-cell fits in this one. -
Well let's just wait and see. The reason I keep changing my mind is because I would like a newer GPU (x1600/7600go), and I am really indecisive when it comes to computers. Takes me forever to get the just right build for my desktop, so a laptop is that much harder as you can't customize them as easily.
My understanding is that the MS-1039 enters mass production in the end of Feb, so I'd say early to mid March release sounds about right.
Ok, quick question for you guys. The pdf on the msi website states WXGA with a WSXGA optional. Do you know if WSXGA is really gonna be an option in the US or are they yankin our chains again? If WSXGA is available I would love that, but can live with WXGA if necessary.
So many silly names for these resolutions - I just wish they would list the resolution and be done with it. -
I believe we can expect the res to be WXGA, not WXGA+. I would also not hold out too much hope that the WSXGA resolution will be offered in the states though I know that both CoffeeShark and I implored MSI 2 weeks ago at their Star Forum to heed the cries of 15.4" notebook users and offer the higher resolution option.
lol who keeps changing my avatar? i do like RabbitPuff though.
Thanks. At 1280 x 800 this laptop goes from a must-buy for me to a "well let me see what Asus, Sager, et. al. have for around the same price".
Well after more playing with the dell 1300 I think I might be able to live with WXGA, although I would prefer a WSXGA+ resolution. I am going to write MSI inquiring about this just to see what they say.
Does anyone know if this is being sold by any vendors in europe? The same as Sager notebooks are through Thanks
I would only consider this as a WXGA, otherwise I would just go with a Acer 8204 or something. I would use it for some light gaming so at 1280x800 with a x1600 256mb this thing should crush some games and the rest would be a cake for this.
So what would a 256mb x1600 score in 3dMark05?
Check out this article on the x1600
Btw any guesses on the price of this puppy. -
I just checked the 1039 on MSI's notebook site. The 1039 is being listed as WXGA, so I'm not holding out much hope for WSXGA+.
We're working on MSI to give us the option of the higher resolution, but we're still waiting for word on that.
I thought you'd be more likely to be excited about a Panasonic toughbook given the dangerous nature and ruggedness of your line of work. -
I thought a WSXGA+ screen is essential for higher end gaming notebooks, though.
maybe there
around 1500 EURO $$
MS-1039 Expected in Early March
Discussion in 'MSI' started by unleaded, Jan 19, 2006.