I am seriously considering buying the MS-1039
I was looking at these three companies
Rawpower computers
RK computers
My current thoughts on the specs are
- Processor - AMD Turion64 MT-40
- Hard Drive -HITACHI 80GB ATA 7200 RPM 8MB Cache $129.99+ $4.99 Shipping(newegg)
- Ram - CORSAIR ValueSelect 1GB 200-Pin DDR SO-DIMM DDR 400 (PC 3200) Notebook Memory for 98 dollars +5 dollars shipping.(newegg)
- Wlan card- I am very unsure which one i should buy and what the bluetooth upgrade will add to my laptop.
- O/S - windows installed myself
I have a few questions
RK computers offers a WXGA and a WSXGA(nonglare)
does the WSXGA only come in non-glare form? (can someone clarify this)
What kind of Wireless Card is best?
Is it ok for me to buy just the barebones/processor from the reseller and purchase the individual parts(harddrive ram) from newegg and install them myself?
What do the 1/2/3yr warrenties cover? just the barebones?
I am leaning towards RK computers. any advice would be helpful.
i believe the wsxga is only in matte (non-glossy form).
i don't know about the wireless card.
yes. make sure you get an installation manual.
the warranty covers the barebones system, i.e. lcd, motherboard, gpu. -
aww ouch i was hoping to get a WSXGA in glossy format
you could always check out the asus z96j. major differences are no bluetooth, core duo, and glossy wsxga screen.
I've just bougt my system from Rawpower, getting it on Tuesday so I will let you know how it all goes with my set up
[email protected] Company Representative
Wireless-do you need use bluetooth? 6855b if you want bluetooth, 6833 no bluetooth.
Whatever reseller you buy from, your best bet is let them install, and assemble it for you. -
got mine today from rkcomputer. i suggest you buy from them
Well i bought the Ram and Harddrive from Newegg and Ordered the Laptop from Xmeld. =D
RKcomputer had too many errors with my debit card =|
Can't wait for my laptop project to begin! -
to those 1039 buyers out there...
are you happy with the aethetics of the laptop? color etc?
MS-1039 [need buying help]
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Cursedme, Jun 7, 2006.