Hey, I bought an MS-1029 from a little "company" that went under nearly immediately after I bought it. Sadly I've had many problems with it. The major one being when I unplug the power cable and have it run on batteries, the screen freezes. Not a complete freeze, the mouse cursor still moves around but everything else appears to be frozen or glitchy. I'm fairly certain is a graphics problem because I can shut down the computer from the start menu and guessing where "shut off" icon is. I've tried the new Omega drivers (38360) and that hasn't made a difference. I've also installed Bios v2.70 (from 2.3) and downclocked the memory to 333 and again no difference.
Something strange about my system is that the chipset and the graphics card might be mismatched. The chipset is an ATI Radeon Xpress 200p and the graphics card is an ATI Mobility Radeon X700. However for awhile (2-3 months) my laptop was working fine on the battery so I assumed it meant the battery crapped out. $130 later, the new battery didn't fix the problem. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Also, my DVD drive has somewhat crapped out. It won't read DVD's but will still burn/read CD's. I'm wondering since the drive is "built in" (according to the build manual), is it not possible to replace it (remove it)? If it is possible, are all "slim" drives interfaced the same way (can i buy and "slim" drive and will it fit)? if not, does anyone know the specific size of the 1029 drive? Thanks!
Specs: Turion MT-40
2gb ram
xp professional sp2
Anybody? This problem has turned my notebook into a desktop.... bleh!
Have you checked to see if Powerplay is disabled? My MS-1029 will just display a black screen if I boot off of the battery and Powerplay is enabled.
If you haven't checked or you have installed new drivers recently it might be on. Go to display properties >settings > advanced and click on the tab that says powerplay and uncheck the box.
That's all I can come up with. -
Unbelievable!!! I was ready to gut this computer and put the parts in another white book. Thank you so much!!!!
MS-1029 screen freeze when AC removed
Discussion in 'MSI' started by ayearofholidays, Sep 21, 2007.