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    MS-1022 standby problems

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by nicknormal, Jun 1, 2006.

  1. nicknormal

    nicknormal Newbie

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    greetings everybody!

    i recently bought a MSI MS-1022, my first laptop, and i love it. i maxed out the settings as best i could:
    2.0Ghz Pentium M
    2.0 Gigs RAM
    100G 7200rpm HDD

    i do some intensive graphics editing and pretty occassional video editing, and want to use this machine for some time.

    everything so far works great, except for the 'standby' function. i'm running XP SP1 and have adjusted everything necessary inside the 'Control Panel -> Power Options' settings.

    however, after i set the machine to 'standby' (Fn+F12) the machine takes foreeeeeevvvvveeeerrrrrrrrr to come out of standby. one time it took longer than six minutes. this is unacceptable. i read somewhere here that standby is only good for short turnoffs, else to use hibernate for long downtimes. but even with short downtimes, as in a 20-minute travel journey or 30 minutes to eat a lunch, the machine takes longer to come out of standby than it would to BOOT into the OS! this makes no sense.

    i've disabled that setting in the BIOS that causes coming-out-of-standby problems, and have investigated as far as i can, but something else is obviously choking the system. anybody have any advice?

    Nick Normal

    ps - hibernate function works BRILLIANTLY. takes longer to go into hibernate than standby, but comin out of hibernate takes less than 20 seconds.
  2. nicknormal

    nicknormal Newbie

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    nobody? anybody?
  3. ttupa

    ttupa Tech Elitist NBR Reviewer

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    Sounds like maybe a memory problem? Or perhaps registry? You could check those. Use Memtest86 (google), and maybe a registry cleaner. Or perhaps your NIC is taking awhile to activate. Sometimes that postpones my startup.

    Memory is what drives the standby function, so that's where I'd start.

    I use standby all the time, sometimes for long periods. It can work very well, so don't worry. I'm sure you'll figure it out.