I am about to purchase the MS-1022 from RawPowerPC.com and am looking to purchase the lowest amount of ram they offer (1x256mb for $27) and then buy 2 x 1gb sticks from newegg.com. I'm pretty sure this ram is compatible, but I wanted to get the correct answer from any of you that have done this, specifically to an ms-1022. Thanks, and I'm so pumped about this laptop, I can hardly stand it.
P.S. ttupa post a review of your newly purchased ms-1022 when you can!
I just sent in a request to do a review. As soon as I get a reply, I'll shoot one out.
Now that I've finally got the programs and data I want on here I'm pretty darn happy with it.
That RAM should work, not going to make any guarantees, but I don't see why it wouldn't. -
mushkin is good RAM in general, but the MSI units have not done well with RAM other than SuperTalent and Kingston. It's quite possible that the mushkin will work, but I would recommend either getting SuperTalent from Rawpower or Kingston from newegg. -
Thanks to both of you for the suggestions. The price difference between rawpowerpc.com and newegg (and that mushkin) wasn't but about 50 bucks so i'll just get it stock from rawpowerpc.com to be on the safe side.
Ttupa, one quick question for you regarding the 1022, where are the windows key and delete keys located?
Thanks. -
Delete key is in the upper-most right corner, and the windows keys are 2nd in line after the alt keys next to the spacebar.
It goes like this: windows, alt, space, alt, windows. With more keys on either side of those, of course. -
Thanks ttupa.
I built 2 machines with the Mushkin 2X1GB paired sticks and with a 7K Hitachi HDD and a Pentium M 760 and they are fast.
I did get a bad batch of RAM at first but the excahgne was easy with Newegg.
MS-1022 and upgraded RAM - suggestions?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by defsquad, Feb 1, 2006.