Hello everyone. I have a PowerPro R 12:17-680 (MS 1762 is what it says in the BIOS so I assume that's what it really is.)
My troubles started a few months ago when I was in a game and my laptop just shut off. I tried to turn it on but it acted like something was shorted out. When I hit the power button the lights would come on for a second and then go off again. During my basic troubleshooting I removed my GPU and my laptop turned on and booted up running on the integrated graphics. When it loaded into an operating system (Ubuntu or Windows 7) the fan would kick on 100% like I had hit the TurboFan button. I delt with this until I decided to look at what these cards went for online. I got a good deal on a 780M and noted that my heatsink should be sufficient for it. When I put the new card in my laptop it booted without any loud fans but when I loaded Windows the resolution was set to 640x480 and the color depth was very low (almost looked like 256 or 16-bit). Ubuntu still loaded at a full 1920x1080 but neither OS would install the drivers properly. Windows wouldn't detect the card and Ubuntu stuck itself to a 640x480 resolution with no way to change the res. I did a little bit more research and someone with a similar problem was suggested to flash the vBios with an MSI one. I did (after backing up my stock one) and Windows finally detected my card. However when I rebooted my computer after doing a clean install of the video card drivers Windows hung at login. I think there's a problem with GeForce Experience so I'm going to try to uninstall it but if anyone else could give some advice that would be great.
EDIT: This is what GPU-z says when I boot without a driver and let it install before rebooting.
I tried installing an older driver and now I'm getting STOP 0x116 errors shortly after logging in.
you need the latest Bios, than is the GTX780M plug & play. I had the same problems with a GT60 (MS-16F3, same as your motherboard MS-1762), after the 51X update everything went wonderfully. Normally, the GT60 Bios should also work on NP GT70 Barebone, since it is the same motherboard. I am sending you just look at the 51x version of the MS-16F3 White Book Bios.
Zippyshare.com - 16f3 51x.zip -
Ok, I just want to double check, the 16f3 51x BIOS is for the Laptop, not the GPU right? And since the motherboards are the same there shouldn't be any problems afterwards? Because from what I've heard the barebones machine has had issues with other BIOS's so I've been hesitant to try.
If something goes wrong, I should be able to recover using a flash drive with the backup BIOS right? I just want to make sure I don't brick my laptop with something obvious. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Same motherboard, different touch controls, careful how you proceed.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
It won't really brick your system, but it can cause USB ports to stop functioning.
Best to contact MSI tech support directly to obtain the generic version of BIOS for best results, or you can tell us what version you have now and we can request an update for you. -
Well I went ahead and flashed the 16f3 51x BIOS and it actually worked! I haven't had any issues at all since and my graphics card is working 100%. I ran a few Furmarks and did some heavy gaming to stress everything out and everything seems to be fine so far. Touch buttons and USB ports all still work. Just want to say that everything worked for me, but I'm not sure if it would work for everybody.
Thanks likezero! -
Super would have also wondered if it does not work ...
Hello, i have a msi gt60 0nc 491xfr that i bought with freedos, i had windows 7 and i am now upgrading to win 8. I upgraded the 670mx by a 780m and with win 7 I had BSOD 116 problem that I stoped like with tdrdelay key in regedit. Since I am upgrading to win 8, could I flash the bios to the 51x one ? I have the win 7 one. I think that I could because on the keyboard I have the windows key with the logo of windows 8. Maybe it will resolve my drivers compatibility problem.
Also my problem is that every nvidia drivers after 335 not work properly after the install like now with the 340. After the restart, my screen is black and few minute after I have a driver_power_state_failure.
What do you think guys. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
If BIOS & ME mismatches then you may end up with a bricked system.
However, it's best to verify with MSI directly to see if it's possible to do so. -
The 50x is not a barebone version. -
we talk about the 51x and this works perfectly with the GT60 0NC and with the MS-16F3 Motherboard, incl. the MS-1762. i´ve tested self 4 devices, all works perfekt with the 51x. The Bios is from 04/2014 and comes from the MSI Server.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
It's suggested to update based on the same version to same version as shown on MSI's website.
Also, MSI channel BIOS use IMS, and barebone use IG6 in the BIOS filename.
Cross-flash is risky since someone flashed it and bricked his system. -
So at least upgrading to the 50x of the msi webpage should not be bad ?
Edit :
Found this post :
iTzZent said:
08-05-2014 12:23 PM
Which BIOS version and which GT60 you have exactly? I recently had a GT60 0NC here, where I wanted to install a GTX780M, there were similar problems. Only with the latest bios (51X) everything went without hesitation and directly plug and play. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
You can use the 51x bios incl. T18 EC Firmware for the GT60 0NC. Than you can take every Nvidia GPU, because you have now a Kepler GPU, so you can use the Heatpipe for a GTX770M/GTX780M. The GTX870M and the GTX880M could also work. But you should make sure that the cards from MSI and Medion devices come, although these have slightly less vRAM, but are 100% compatible. To recognize are the most MSI cards on green PCB.
here is the Bios: Zippyshare.com - 16f3 51x.zip
btw: i´m iTzZenthere i have another Nickname. i´m Moderator from the german MSI Forum.
lol ok, just made that post on msi-eng forum :
Hello, I own a msi gt60 0nc 491xfr that I bought with freedos. The laptop came with the windows 7 bios 10U but on the keyboard the windows key shortcut is the windows 8 picture.
I upgraded the 670mx to a 780m, installed windows 8. I have issues installing nvidia drivers ( driver_power_state_failure BSOD) , also has nvlddmkm.sys BSOD before with windows 7.
Could I flash the bios to the windows 8 bios 51X and the windows 8 beta EC ?
On others forums they advice me to not flash a windows 8 bios.
Also why is it only show the 50X windows 8 bios in msi support webpage for the gt60 0nc ? Where the 51X came from ?
« Last Edit: Today at 13:54:15 by DarkseN »
Also why is it only show the 50X windows 8 bios in msi support webpage for the gt60 0nc ? Where the 51X came from ?
I didn't have yet bought the cooler boost 2 heatpipe, the one with a pipe going from the gpu straight to the cpu, so all ok to flash to 51X and t18 bios ?
I bought the 780m from eurocom. The card is blue but I flashed a msi vbios on it 1006mghz/1000mV. -
You can use all the 51x for Windows 8.1. You must enable UEFI and Secure Boot.
You don´t need the the Cooler Boost 2 Heatpipe, you can also use the "old" pipe for the Kepler Cards...
But if it works with a "non" MSI GTX780M, I´ve tested the OC VBIOS from svl7 (Techinferno) for the GTX780M, so that the device remained hanging in the bios, when UEFI is enabled. With the original MSI VBIOS everything worked perfectly. -
Svet of msi eng told me that there could be side effect and it will be really dangerous to flash win8 to win7 bios right ?
Anyway I will do it tonight because I am now stuck with 335 nvidia drivers and I want to being able to update. -
All devices which I have provided with the 51x were delivered with Win7 or FreeDOS. There were no problems.
Thanks I will do it, keep you in touch.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Hey, just flashed the bios and EC and now I don't have anymore the pop-up on the bottom right saying the device has stopped but was recupered, I had always this message before launching a 3d application. Also good new, in gpu-z, in computing all the case are checked and now I can see the power consumption, wasn't able to see this before. I just run a 3dmark11, I didn't installed yet the 340 but I am pretty sure it will install without problems.
Also I noticed that the brightness with the high performance settings 100% seems to be less bright. Maybe have to config something in nvidia drivers ? -
My brightness screen isn't bight as it was, could I put the T17 EC ? Or it is better to stay with T18 ? -
which driver do you use it? I had no problems with a GT60 0NC where I have installed a GTX780M.
I use the previous one, nvidia 340. I think. I would be a problem of the EC, should I put the T17 EC ? Because the T17 is optimized to give more power to the cpu/gpu right ? The T18 is just an update but not giving as much power as the T17 ?
( everything else is working good, thank you man ! ) -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It comes down to hardware ids I think, with the 10p or 30p bios for the 16f3 the 780m worked flawlessly even without modified drivers.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Green Blockhead Notebook Enthusiast
Backed up my current BIOS,
American Megatrends Inc.
Version E1762IM7.107
Date 25/05/2012 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
That bios is meant for the 15.6" models, the GK106 based cards (770M, 765M) never really got on with this chassis, it was happy to take GK104 based cards though (670MX up to 780M (with .10p or .30p bios) known and tested).
Green Blockhead Notebook Enthusiast
So what cards would work for my laptop then? I'm sending the 765M back since I found it it was for Clevo / Alienware laptops.
I'm looking at a 3GB 770M: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nvidia-Ge...-clevo-alienware-msi-upgrademonkey-in-stock-/
Or any other suggestions. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Hi all, I am having similar problems with my MSI 1762 barebone regarding the upgrade to the gtx 780m.
I have read through this thread and from what I understand I need to update my bios to allow support for the 780m?
I am still wary about doing this on my own as i do not want to brick my system.
I have already updated my vbios to version (P2053-0001)
which after allowed windows to detect my gtx 780m.
However I am still receiving the BSOD (driver_power_state_failure) upon updating the nvidia drivers.
If anyone could help me with using the right bios (and or) firmware to upgrade I would be extremely thankful.
My current bios is E1762IMS.10m (The unlocked version)
and I am running windows 8.1 pro 64-bit -
Oh can I ask a favor? Can you post some SS of GTX 980/970m (MXM board) plus the heatsink for MSI GT60 with 970m? i want to see the layout (front and back) for that one... Thanks thanks -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
We will check out your request. -
I'm hoping that 980/970m gpu's are PNP with this NB... If it's possible in the near future (if there is no scarcity in 980/970m in the market) and enthusiast's is starting to put this beastly gpu to their GT60/70 unit should put some results on this thread or similar threads here.
btw Kevin.. Is it possible to order 1 GTX 980m or 970m with heatsink from you? thanks -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
We will need see if it's possible for us to look into this, so we will get back on this if we can, thank you. -
Will the previous 780/880m heatsink fit on with a 970/980m card? Or (if i have a 980/970m) do you need to mod the old heatsink of a 780/880m? Or thermal pads will do?
btw Kevin... Is it possible to get one 980/970m from you if you can confirm that that mxm is PnP to a MSI GT60 (16F3)? Hoping to hear some good results, if you're going to test one in your lab -
Also maybe you can post picture of your heatsink too so we can compare.
MSI hasn't start selling 9xx series GPU by itself yet, there sin't enough supply right now so all 9xx GPU goes to production laptops. -
Can you make this small favor of mine for the sake of MSI GT60/70 community? Thanks a lot -
But I'll see what I can do.
Also can you take a picture of your heatsink so we can see if it's exactly match with GTX970M? -
Aw.. anyways.. my GT60 heat sink came with the GTX675M the old one.. I'll check my picture files then post it here.... Btw.. can you check on this bios pic settings? Whats with this "compliancy" of UEFI version?
is this also what you're looking for? Or can you please validate if that is the compatibility version for Nvidia cards? I hope that one of your friends near in your place got a 16F3 to check out the compatibility of the 980/970m to the nb. -
@GenTechPC (Kevin Lee)
Do you have xtra 980/970m GPU heatsink for GT60? can I Buy one from you? I want to test soon one of these cards... Thanks -
Green Blockhead Notebook Enthusiast
So how would I go about getting my (green, MSI/Alienware) 770M 3GB to work in my MS 1762? The seller stated it was compatible with 1762, 16F3 and other boards but it's not appearing in Device Manager, not even as a Standard VGA Graphics Adapter or whatnot, nor being detected by NVflash. BUT the fan isn't spinning up to 100% after startup, which is a good sign since it normally does that if there's a dud / no card inside. What would be the best BIOS to flash, if that's the case?
Current BIOS:
MS 1762 Trouble Upgrading To 780M
Discussion in 'MSI' started by inukai, Aug 26, 2014.