I bought a used barebone MS 1029/ABS Mayhem G3 Eclipse a couple of weeks ago on eBay. It came with everything except memory, hdd and os. It's cpu is an AMD Turion MT-37. When I first received it I installed 2 generic 512mb memory sticks and a used 40gb Hitachi hdd. When I tried to install a new OEM WinXP Pro os the hdd would freeze at 88% and then give an error message basically stating that setup was unable to format the partition.
Well, I figured there must be something wrong with the used hdd and possibly the memory I was using was incompatible so I ordered a new 80gb Seagate hdd and some known compatible Kingston memory. After installing these new parts I tried again to format the hdd and install XP and received similar results. This time the format went to 100% before freezing up and giving the same setup error. I tried another OEM XP Pro disk from my wife's custom-built Aopen laptop and got the same results. I then tried to install SuseLinux and it wouldn't install either.
I took the new hdd out and put it in my old HP dv4000 laptop. It formatted and installed XP with the HP restore disks with no problems whatsoever. I also tested the Kingston memory in my wife's laptop and it seems to be OK. So I don't think the new parts are the problem. Does anyone out there have a possible solution to this issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(BTW, the BIOS is V2.30).
MS 1029 Won't Format HDD & Install XP
Discussion in 'MSI' started by jerl, Jun 2, 2008.