Does anyone here actually owns a MSI Megabook 677 (M677 black one without diamonds lol) and cared writing a review for it? I'm interested in buying although I would like to get some opinions on it first.
There is already a review of the MSI 16332 which is the exact same model as the M677 and M675. It's a great laptop and the recent BIOS updates have fixed the few odd problems most people have seen.
This is a M677 review at UK. It should be the same model as the US one. Hope it helps -
I have just bought it in Istanbul, Turkey (11.05.07), My first impression is only great, really great machine after my HP DV8000 Core Duo nbook.
specifications of this beauty
- Amd Turion 64 X2 TL-60
- 2GB DDR2 667Mhz (samsung rams)
- 120 GB Sata 5400rpm
- Magnesium Alloy Chassis with Black Piano
- Nvidia Go 7600 256 dedicated
- 15,4" (Amazing Crystal Vision - ACV) Glare Type Lcd(WOWW Factor,as I know it uses Samsung Lcd Panels)
- 4 in 1 card reader
- Numeric Keypad, Express Card, Gigabit Ethernet, Remote Control
- 800.11 a/b/g
- Extremely fast (I can use in same time "Photoshop + 7 internet pages (two is online strategy game Travian in Turkish servers) + DVD video + ...)
the cpu and ram indicators still shows %27 cpu usage + %54 ram usage
- Premium Vista Home
- Games are now more playable than my former HP Dv8000 nvidia go 7400 (COD2, Need For Speed: Carbon, Far Cry...over 40 fps with 2x AA)
- Very very WOOWWW LCD Screen..clear,crisp,bright,colorful...
- It seems so expensive notebook wits its Swarovski Crystals, light ans still cheaper than many other well-known brands, cost's 1500 usd (tax included)
- not so much good speakers and sound a lil bit weak than my former n'book
- a little bit heat
- keyboard keys, it comes me a little hard for me to type due to its size,
small, maybe, will be fine later
M677 reviews?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by thursday, Dec 22, 2006.