Msi launched M677 bios update which is V1.12.
M675 use same mainboard with M677. Because in Everest Ultimate hardware analyzer program, M675 mainboard name is seen "Msı Megabook M677 (MS-1633)".
But in MSI webpage has not yet M675 model notebook page.
Anyone, Try this bios update on M675 ???
So sory for my english..![]()
Well, I finally got around to finding a way to boot to DOS, did the upgrade everything worked fine so far, I actually have noticed it resolved a problem I was having with my Sound not initializing at every bootup. Don't know if it's coincidence or something it really fixed, but I do know that the new bios was supposed to change something with the audio didn't dig too much into what that is. The motherboard still shows 675 at bootup but with the new BIOS revision. Didn't see any other MAJOR changes but this definitely seems to make the audio work better.
Well I've been using it for a couple of weeks, seems like now MSI even shows the two as merged. I also see a new "vista ready" bios which says version 7.02(??big jump fromm 1.12 huh??) Gonna try it and see how it works.
Just an update on 7.02 it's rock solid. Seems to address any previous instability issues. Also the webpage specifically states this update is for the M677/M675 clinching what we already knew about the M677, M675 and M16332 all being the same exact model.
M677 bios update on M675 ???
Discussion in 'MSI' started by fuat_tanrikulu, Jan 15, 2007.