Hello friends, Yes I sold a GT72VR 6RE laptop at an affordable price. I bought a GE76 Raider 10UG. Everything is good. However, when I select the GPU Switch setting in Dragon Center software as Discrete GPU, the laptop restarts. But the image is not displayed. Thank you very much to friends who have the idea to solve this situation.
Does anyone have the same problem with their laptop except me? Please let's help each other.
I do not have the same issue. That said, my laptop is not 10UG, it is 10UH, so there may be slight differences.
cuneyt1984 likes this. -
I asked GE76 10UH users, they have no problem. And our bios and Ec-firmware software are the same. My laptop is RTX 3070 and theirs is RTX 3080. I wonder if vbios problem?
Last edited: Feb 16, 2021 -
try bios way "admin hotkey"
ADVANCED//VGA MODE - hybrid // dedicate
same results ? -
Version: 94.04.3F.00.50 ?
alternative vbios .,,.but unofficial
GE76 Raider 10UG NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 3070 Laptop GPU94.04.3F.00.50
and it's around the ReSize BAR support -
DCH -last drivers "461 up need"
bios/ec --OK ,.you using last
gpu-z -vbios info
https://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/ -
649826I cannot set the GPU Switch setting to discrete gpu in Dragon center software.
Dear CüneytAvcı,
Did you have any issue when you setting to discrete GPU in Dragon center software?
If yes,please confirm the below item in BIOS page:
BIOS > Boot > Boot mode select"UEFI"
Then check again.
Thanks & Best Regards,
MSI Notebook Technical Application Department -
this .,,.uefi mode ?? defaults in your bios
you used before that CSM or LEGACY ?
good that you solved it .d -
MSI has released new bios update. This issue has been resolved with this update.
And with the latest released vbios, you can no longer access administrator mode.Last edited: Apr 9, 2021 -
E17K2IMS.10C ?? previous ??
but downgrade is RISK ,,..,try request for unlock actual version .d
MSI forum .,,.@Svet
10D -locked for nowcuneyt1984 likes this. -
Bez problémů jsem se vrátil na 10c
MSI GE 76 Raider 10UH -
I went back to 10c without a problem
MSI GE 76 Raider 10UH -
.,,.hlavně kompatibilita na EC fw / ME FW uvnitř biosu "ten se nepřepíše"
prostě downgrade MSI netestuje ...je to riziko !
a teď si to rozeseru překladem
even so carefully,,. mainly compatibility on EC fw / ME FW inside bios "it will not be overwritten" just downgrade MSI doesn't test ... it's a risk!
Let's solve the GE76 10UG Gpu switch problem together.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by cuneyt1984, Feb 15, 2021.