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    Laptop not detecting lid close after I replaced the screen?

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by Joaquin fregoni, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. Joaquin fregoni

    Joaquin fregoni Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hello everyone.
    I have a Creator 17.
    I replace the scree a few days ago and I just realized that it is not detecting the screen closing anymore.
    Its is not the power configuration. Whatever I try there its not working, even if I put to turn the laptop of when I close the lid. its doing nothing. When I close the lid the screen is still on.

    Any ideas ? I already tryed moving a magnet all around where de lid closes and nothing happend.

    Do you know if there is a particular conector for the sensor or may be the specific place of the magnet (if there is a magnet)

    Thank you.
    Have a nice day.