Ok, i am very very nervous, i think my lappy is gone. i will start from the beginning.
I have MSI GX640, MSI Global ? Notebook - GX640
Today i was playing a game, and suddenly the screen became black. so i did the force shutdown thing (putting finger on the power button).
I tried to start it, it showed white screen and nothing was happening, some times it showed white screen and sometimes black. And now i restarted and it was showing Red, blue, green and white screen changing in every second.
Restarted again, now showing just white.
The thing is not showing the same thing after restarting, sometimes black screen, white screen and colours screen. but its not booting.
My warranty (might have time) but i think i have broken the warranty, because sometime ago my screen hinges were cracked and broken and was getting worse and i put Epoxy all over it few times because it was getting re-broken etc, now there is almost a wall of epoxy in my lappy top right corner now.
And i dont think there is a service center in my country anyway. So. Answers guys.
Have you tried plugging the lappy into an external screen say a TV or PC screen? just to eliminate if the GPU or the screen itself has gone -
THANKS a million for the quick reply.
nope, dont have any computers in home with monitors, all laptops. but i have friend who does, i will check that and will post it later. -
Ok, i tried putting external screen.
But it wasnt connecting. I tried before and after pushing the power button. Also tried the Fn+Screen change button but nothing works.
It just doesnt connects to the external display. may be cuz the windows/bios is not loading so the fn button doesnt work. -
Even if you don't switch screen's it should automatically pick up the signal through the VGA / HDMI connection. I am still thinking duff LCD screen did you try it through the HDMI Connection or VGA port? only say as I have the GT780dxr and I can plug in the HDMI cable straight to tv and without even switching screens it displays the monitor and on TV the same as soon as I turn the lappy on.
Were you having any visual problems before or was all good other than the bessle's breaking -
I connected it through VGA Port. the Computer screen, not tv. i dont have this HDMI wire nor our tv has it.
so you are saying about the VGA, it doesn't switch to screen automatically.
As for before this, now that i think about this, yesterday when i was playing a game (COD), the screen froze, it wasn't responding and even the sound was frozen (like repeating sound in circle). I had to use the forcefull shutdown, and it worked cuz i was able to start the pc. Other then that, there is a thing when playing fifa i was, there is this screen moving, bouncing left right. but not alot, usually happens when i play with clocking, since i use low clocks then normal so the laptop doesnt get heated. Other then that nothing much.
I am betting this is either GPU broken or the Screen. If its Gpu, i heard that there is a intel chipsit for secondry graphics thing. how can i activite it, through bios maybe, i cant even get there. -
Ok i tried the external screen again, tried many different senerios like connecting before and after plugging the screen, tried with when the laptop shows white screen, black screen, redgreenblue screen, waited 5 min after pushing power button and then plugged the screen but nothing works. its just doesnt recognize the external screen. Used the fn button all the way.
But i found something new, The fn button does work cuz, i used the fn + screen brightness and it was WORKING. means fn button works but it doesnt recognise the screen.
Any one know what should be my next step. what is broken, gpu, lcd, memory, how should i diagnose this, i am no good with hardware lol. i am totally screwed now. -
I've got a gx740 and an old school 23" crt when I have it plugged in I get every thing on the crt, even the bios. So I think you should rma it if your still under warranty
Yea thats the problem, i think my warranty got broken when i put expoxy all over my top right side hinge. it was all cracked/broken. and there is no service center in the country.
so what does these symptoms tell you, what is not working. anything i can fix by my self? -
Here are the pictures of the glue that might have broken the warranty.
Also i can hear the fan and the hard-rive sound. so its not the harddrive i think lol. -
niffcreature ex computer dyke
Thats a ridiculous amount of glue.
You should have read up on what most people do before you put glue all over the place. It probably isn't working well like than anyway. You have to take your LCD out and apply epoxy to the hinge/LCD mount behind it.
That said your laptop isn't dead. I'm sure you can can a new compatible video card for cheap delivered to your country. Actually I could offer you a GTX 285 for fairly cheap or something much cheaper with worse performance.
One thing about replacing the graphics card in this model, unfortunately again about glue, the GPU backplate is glued to the card and the motherboard. But you can get it up if you pry hard enough. PCBs can take a lot more flex than you think.
It could also be time for an upgrade, there are 6970m available which are compatible and very high performance. -
lol u have no idea how much trouble that hinge gave me, i started putting a little, but was getting open in after few days, i tried the put different types, quick, long lasting, different companies etc, i started putting more and more but was still getting open and cracked. The cracks was getting bigger and bigger, the whole steel was open.
Finally, i had to create the wall of china to fix this, i mixed 4 different epoxies, create a wall and didnt touch the laptop for a week. And it finally worked.
Anyway. So you are completely sure its a graphic card, i will be revealed actually. LCD would be very hard to replace cuz of the glue and also expensive and so is the mother board.
There is no glue in the back side so that place can open. its just on the the lcd side.
About the graphics, how do i know which card is compatible with my laptop. and also where can i find these, i couldnt even find this 5850 mobility in ebay. -
niffcreature ex computer dyke
MXM 3.0 is the key for finding a graphics card.
Its not a matter of finding a 5850 as much as it is finding an mxm 3.0 card. Although all mobility 5850 cards that I know of are standard MXM 3.0 B, other cards like the GTX 260m while most commonly MXM 3.0 are also rarely found in MXM 2.1 or proprietary Toshiba and Asus form factor.
This is a little thing I like to preach, the reason for this is that Nvidia and ATI/AMD only produces the GPU core. When you try to define a "card" you are also (if not mostly) defining the PCB which can be manufactured by 100s-1000s of different companies and designed in different forms by almost 100 just like desktop cards - point being with laptops the designers do not all standardize the cards to work on every laptop.
LCD might not be too hard to replace. I don't think its the LCD either because its showing colors, but its a standard 15.4" 16:10 CCFL LCD which can be had for around 40$.
If I were you I'd rather my LCD break but then again I have like 6 extras.
Anyway if you wanted to be sure you could hook up to a desktop monitor over VGA.
The lids on these are just horrible, I agree, and very sad that they are in fact made out of metal, but not in the area where the hinges mount!!despicable!!
I fixed the lid on one of my MSI laptops which uses the same case, the older but identical looking gx620/gt628. I used a FULL METAL MAG ALLOY lid from a Dell d830, drilled holes through it with a tungsten carbide bit and bolted the hinges + LCD brackets on there. SOLID. reminds me I should post pics.
Anyway I will PM you about some video cards regarding you best options and whatnot. -
well, i dont have much knowledge about the hardware in laptops, my brother is more into the electronics (has a degree), he said he can replace the GPU as long as its compatible.
I already tried the desktop monitor over VGA, but it was connecting. as i explained in my previous posts. though i wont rule out LCD yet, cuz its not the same senario, sometimes it shows colours, most of the times its black, and sometimes it shows colours but are dark (like there is no light in LCD).
But i might not need to, i sent the email to msi and in their forums, they said the warranty might be still valid, i will see what msi and the support center (i emaild them too) say. -
OMG, i think i forgot to mention a very important detail.
My niece (1 years old), she always climbs my laptop when i go to bathroom or something. usually i see her on the top of my laptop standing.
May be this caused a wire to get loose in LCD or something. -
Just switch on DSUB and check if problem is still present. Generaly you can use even TV with pc connection (dsub).
what is that. -
Type in google. -
yea,i already put that external screen,it wasnt showing anything, there was no connection watsoever to the laptop.
Laptop cant power up, shows white screen, then red green and blue.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by SuperMAG, Dec 8, 2011.