Hey its me again. I was using my laptop today after microsoft help me fix issues with my games with windows 7. I was watching a movie and my computer froze and shut off on its own. (when gaming i normally got BSOD or freezing) I thought its normal well i tried booting it up but it immediately turns off about 6 secs or so. I reseated both the cpu and gpu nothing and also the ram nothing comes on the screen as well. I am not sure if the motherboard died or the gpu. If you can get back to me asap and how much each would cost to replace?
Manufacturer- MSI
model- MSI 1651
video card- geforce NVIDIA 9600m GT 512mb DDR3
after i received it from frosty computers because of bios they fixed that now I am wondering if i should buy a new motherboard or gpu?
I don't suppose that you recorded the information provided on the BSoDs or, better yet, in the Event Viewer?
Do you hear any beeping before the system powers down?
It's very difficult to diagnose things when there isn't much to go on. Shutting down after 6 seconds sounds very much like a safety mechanism designed to prevent further damage to the system. This could be caused by something overheating, or something not being plugged in properly.
If you're comfortable removing components (safely), then I would suggest stripping the system down to the bare minimums and attempting to boot. If the system responds differently after the GPU has been removed, then you've found the problem. -
Ive reseated everything and even tried new ram still nothing on screen and shuts off after 6 secs tried running witout the gpu still nothin on the screen tried running plugged witout the battery seems to me that the cpu or mobo migjt be faulty
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Try starting without the CPU.
If it behaves exactly the same, I would say there is a chance the CPU is bad.
But I spoke to a laptop repair guy (this one actually repairs stuff, not just swapping parts. Does BGA reworking and actually fixes motherboards), he said 99% of the time the CPU is not the problem. -
Just tried witout the cpu acted exactly the same. Nothin on the screen and it just shut off after a few seconds
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Ok, that makes me think it is the CPU.
It would be good if you could get a cheap CPU to test with. -
Would the cpu make the screen not showing anything?
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
happend to me on a tecra M9 (not even the backlight came on).
But it's hard to know for sure. -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Try this (worked for me once):
Take out the battery, take out the power cord.
Hold the power button for 30secs.
Put it all back together and try to boot. -
Check temperatures, can often lead to problems like this.
Just tried holdin the button nothin happened. And cant rly check temps
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
You could try a miniPCIe POST card. I have never used one and don't know anything about them, but here is a thread a made:
LAPTOP screen doesnt go on.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Espada, Oct 25, 2009.