Hello all! I am a new owner of a MSI gx60 and am quite happy with the purchase I am already wanting to overclock my graphics card.
The problem I have come across so far is that kombuster only shows the default 7660 card and does not detect the 7970 is there a way to switch it? I wanted to run tests for every little adjustment i did to the 7970 and so far this has stopped me.
Oh and one other question afterburner shows fan control is disabled I am assuming that the 7970 does not have adjustable fan controls?
Thank you!
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Have you tried MSI Afterburner? When you run something that utilizes the GPU, then the 7970M should show up in your application. I can't recall if the dual GPU setup on these APU systems utilize graphics switching (Enduro), but if they do, that could be why you see the iGPU in the A-10 processor showing up instead.
im using both kombuster and afterburner. Afterburner shows the 7970m and im using that to tweak but kom isnt for some reason probably because its not switching over and im not sure if i can make it switch manually
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Sounds like an application specific issue then. Do you have the latest version of Kombustor and the latest drivers for your GPU?
Yep latest and greatest
only if you can choose which graphics card to run the application, nvidia control panel gives you the option to choose which program with which graphics(iGPU/dGPU) so I'm guessing you will have similar options in the ATI control panel?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by windows2045, May 19, 2013.