Hello guys,
I just purchased the GS75. What should I do next?
1) What defects or common problems should I check for? I have the option to return the laptop in the next 2 weeks if things are not up to the standard.
2) Should I do a clean windows re-install? Any guides that can help me do this?
3) Should I undervolt the cpu? Many of you have seemed to recommend it.
4) Any another tips before I dive in?
I would check for LEDs usually green dies first.
Temperature differential on fans.
Update BIOS and EC. Update NVIDIA Drivers via DDU and NVSlimmer.
Not much bloatware other than Norton and some Microsoft bundles games (candy crush)
Uninstall or Disable start up/task scheduler for Dragon Centre and use Throttlestop and Silent Options (fan control).
BIOS tweaks for improved performance and other misc. Tweaks
Check the MSI gs65 owners thread for guide which apply to all laptops (found in the 1st 3 posts) - 2019 model
I recommend you first set your battery charge preferences in Dragon centre. They maintain after you uninstall or you can disable task scheduler
Enjoy the laptop!
Sent from my BLA-L09 using Tapatalkryzeki likes this. -
Before tweaking anything or uninstalling anything I would run a series of benchmarks to get your "out of the box" baseline.
Then, you can start on the journey of tweaking and see if your changes are actually improving the out of box performance or not.
There are MANY things suggested on this forum that I would not personally do. I believe I understand why others do them, but that does not mean it is the ideal thing for you to do. Always consider your use of the laptop, and judge whether you want to make a change. There is a LOT of compromise when it comes to laptops, not everyone will be happy with the same settings.redmop likes this. -
I purchased a GS75 from bestbuy. Not sure what you mean by 8/9 R/S E/F/G?
Here is the spec sheet if it answers the question.
https://asset.msi.com/pdf/main/us/nb/GS75 Stealth-243.pdf?
i7 9750h
RTX 2070
16gb Ram (8*2)
1tb NVMe SSD
Please excuse the newbie questions, the last purchase I made for any laptop was back in 2012. I am still trying to catch up with the game.
As for bloatware, there wasn't much on the machine. So maybe an fresh windows install might not be necessary.
1) How can I check temperature differential on the fans?
2) As for UV, if I understand correctly, I think i need to use throttle stop right?
3) Is OC gpu recommended on laptops? especially a thin one like this?
4) Where can I find the Bios I need and where can I learn more about how to update it? -
You can use HWinfo64 or HWmonitor to see your temps, I also recommend MSI Afterburner, and that you uninstall Dragon Center if you want to overclock/undervolt.
You can reduce the overhead voltage by performing the BIOS tweak for IA cores AC/DC loadline to 1, and also perform the IMON tweaks to trick the system power reading so that you can use your max turbo speeds indefinitely.
I clean installed windows and it was a relatively painless problem but if you feel your current install is fine, then that's it
If you have MSI True colors, I like the Designer template myself.
You can tweak fan curves with Silent Option, (or if you did keep Dragon Center, there as well). -
To sum up my results, reinstalling Windows does nothing, repasting with liquid metal reduces cpu temperatures by 16-20°C and gpu temps by 1-3°C. Overclocking the GPU and removing the cpu power limit is by far the most effective way to boost performance.
However, keep in mind that you may encounter cpu thermal throttling after removing its power limit. I didn't encounter any thermal throttling but I have repasted mine with liquid metal.
You can keep dragon center. I tested the claims that it reduces performance extensively and the results showed that it clearly doesn't. (Funnily the results were actually 1-2% higher) -
Mostly in the CPU side, I believe it might remove the undervolt an use may apply to their machine, when it reboots. But this probably can be "fixed" with a timer for application launch when booting. But performance wise it shouldn't be detrimental. -
And in my personal testing, it didn't reset any of my voltages in throttlestop. -
Almost bought a GS75 recently which I thought was an amazing deal - until I realised it had 1 x 16gb stick of ram in it.
Flipping the mb around to upgrade the ram is literally ridiculous. -
Yes all the older models with 16gb were just one stick of ram. I believe all newer models come with 2. This was a must for me on a gaming laptop for obvious reasons.
I've decided not to mess with any of the tweaks just yet. I'm going to wait and see if I really need to tinker around.
Thank you!
Lots of great information in here, will definitely keep this saved for when my new laptop comes in too.
Just bought the GS75. What next?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by AzizB., Jul 2, 2019.