K, just scored an MS-1652 ( GX630 ) for $400 shipped minus a HD which I already have.
Heres what the unit is coming with:
512mb ddr3 9600GT-M ( 550/800 )
QL-60 ( 2x 1.9ghz with 512k L2 )
2x 1gb DDRII-800
XP Pro SP3
Mainly I'm interested in CoD4/5, STALKER Clear Sky and maaaaaaaybe Fallout 3.
you can play all of those games at high except fallout which you can play med-high, if anything ur bottleneck will be ur processor.
I agree the processor will be the downfall.. It's still a great unit for mid range gaming. The 9600M GT is a good card. Overclocks really well, I did notice a better preformance increase using the new Dox drivers.
Just bought a MS-1652 ( GX630 ) What should I expect in games?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by WARDOZER9, Apr 19, 2009.