I purchased two 16GB kits (2x8GB) of Kingston HyperX DDR4-2133 Ram for me GT72S 6QE laptop. I pulled the system completely apart to get to the ram under the keyboard. Put all four sticks in the system, and it wouldn't POST. Pulled it all apart a few more times to make sure I had everything connected properly.
Interestingly enough, if I left the two new sticks under the keyboard inserted and nothing on the easy side of the board, there were no issues booting up. I then plugged in the two old sticks into the empty, easier to access spots and again the system would post and boot just fine. No lockups.
So I tested the other two new sticks of RAM, and one stick may have been bad. I sent them back to newegg and got them replaced. I tried to install the replacement RAM, no luck. Still the same issues with either not POSTing, or POSTing very slow and then getting into windows and then locking the system up hard.
So I returned the other two sticks, and I'm using the two original Hynix sticks and two of the new Kingston sticks. POSTing still does take a bit longer, but I have no problems with stability.
So I'm trying to figure out of my mainboard on this laptop just doesn't like this ram, or if I have a different problem with this system? For reference, this is the RAM I purchased: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820104586
any thoughts?
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
It's probably compatibility.
Have you updated the BIOS & EC yet? If not, please update them with stock memory module and try again. -
I've done the BIOS but not the EC yet. I'll update the EC and then if I decide to go up to 64GB I'll report back.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Ok, good luck!
Issues with GT72S 6QE and RAM install
Discussion in 'MSI' started by clayton006, Dec 5, 2015.