Hey people, do you think that my HD8970M of my new GX70 is broken or something like that?
All starts when I got some issues in Dark Souls 2 and Titanfall, see the video above:
So I use Display Driver Uninstaller to performe a clean install of catalyst. I tested 14.4 and 14.7 in a clean instal and both give me same results and issues in Dark Souls 2 and Titanfall. The issues is just like the errors we got when do a wrong overclock on a vídeo card.
Then I tested these games:
Sleeping Dogs:
When the game starts I saw the little red points blinking issue, but after some minutes of gameplay they disappeared and the game run fine along 20 minutes.
Serious Sam 3:
On the first run the game was setting at high and medium. There was no issue. But when I put all setting on ultra some little issues starts do appear.
Metro Last Light
I played a entire level with all settings on ultra. There was no any issue in 10 minutes of gameplay. The HD8970M reaches 100% of use along all gameplay.
Batman Arkham Origins
I`ve played for 10 minutes on maximum settings and all goes fine.
Titanfall Again
I started the game on low and didn't see any issues for 5 minutes. But when I put all to maximum the issues started to appear.
I`m really afraid of my HD8970m is broken =(
How many fps do you get on that MLL test? Also, what are the different temperatures maxed out during each game?
What you're describing makes me think of improper VRAM or VRM/inductor cooling.
Under high load, if those chips aren't properly cooled, they can reach very high temps over time and affect system stability.
Check this picture. Most people only apply thermal pads on those areas highlighted in yellow.
I've had MULTIPLE cases of stability issues on almost all 7970m cards I used (and I've had 5 cards under full-time usage), and similar behavior to yours also with a FirePro m6000, so long as the caps highlighted in red weren't cooled.
Here's where it gets a bit tricky: Especially those caps in the middle seem to be a little pressure-sensitive.
I've had a card that wouldn't boot if I had any thermal pad pressure on those. Similarly, that card was very unstable if those caps weren't covered. I had to measure and cut some very soft and sticky thermal pads, and made sure they were only enough to fit and touch between the caps and the heatsink, but not put any pressure.
For reasons unexplained, GCN architecture seems to rely heavily on VRM performance, and even the slight fluctuations caused by VRM heating may impact stability (and I'm convinced most of the failing cards in the early revisions were due to improper VRM cooling. Like I've told others, of the tens of 7970m cards that passed through my hands, none failed.
Considering your machine is an MSI (and knowing the way MSI designs heatsinks), i HEAVILY recommend purchasing the thinnest thermal pads you can locate (I personally use 0.25mm and 0.5mm pads) and using and stacking them where necessary to create contact with minimal pressure and as low a distance between the heatsink and card as possible.
Hope this solves your problems. -
Guys, went to check the frequencies, apparently for some reason the HD8970M was running above the standard frequencys.
The clock should be 850MHz - 900MHz 850MHz was in default.
A memory that should be on by default 4800mhz was at 5000mhz.
I just put the pattern and am testing in Dark Souls 2 After lunch I will test the other games. -
Yesterday the maximum temperature on Hd8970M was 82 graus celcius.
Is my HD8970M dying on MSI GX70?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by lecoast, Aug 20, 2014.