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    Is 'Bagging' the GX740 Upside Down Unhealthy? (due to large battery)

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by Voodooi, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. Voodooi

    Voodooi AFK for a while...

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    An odd question, but I brought it with me to school yesterday and instead of putting it battery first, I put the touchpad area first (thinnest) into my Targus laptop bag.

    Reason being is I thought the uneven pressure would damage the battery since it sticks out. I thought of removing the battery each time I packed it away, put then the sensitive metal attachment part could get damaged.

    So am I just being too cautious/protective, or can placing the laptop thinniest part first really damage it if it's a 15 min walk one way?