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    Info: MSI M677 (MS-16332) Bios boot screen editing

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by topsecret, May 23, 2007.

  1. topsecret

    topsecret Notebook Enthusiast NBR Reviewer

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    Hello Fellow MSI Enthousiasts,

    After looking on the internet for information and bios-editing programs, I have modified the stock MSI boot screen logo to one of my own.

    Original Logo:


    Modified Logo:


    Everytime my MSI M677 boots, it boots with the modified logo. I haven't touch the bios itself, but I am able to put my own ''owner information" inside the bios and flash it.

    If you want the modified bios file (latest original bios + modified boot screen) PM me and I will email you the bios file and the utility to flash it.

    I hope you guys will like it.

    Attached Files: