I would like to incresse the voltage on my 5870m from 1.05 to 1.15 or 1.2 maybe, because it isn't stabil at 800/1050 in starcraft 2 and would like to run it a bit more smooth with ultra settings
My temps are rather fine ~ 70-75 full load. 65-70 max with extra cooling on, tested with furmark.
I haven't ever used RBE, but will this be the correct way to do it?
1. Download newest vBIOS for GX660
2. Open file with RBE v1.28
3. Hit clock settings --> edit value in "clock info 00" from 1.05 to 1.15.
4. Save Bios and name it the originaly name.
5. Use MSI bios tool for DOS update.
My concern is that, I dont have any options to choose from it the voltage tap, when I tap it i just shows "---"
Also how much voltage do you guys give your 5870m?
Yo, this one is the newest MSI bios, modified to 1,15V
I'll upload it for you here!
It runs stable at 910/1075 for me right now.
You download the newest bios from MSI, and put it on an usb.
You then download mine, and also put it on an usb.
You then have to access DOS, and write "atiflash.exe -p 0 broadway.bin"
That's how I did it.Attached Files:
I'll try it on tonight.
Do you know if it is possible to go any higher...?
Just wondering if the procedure that I was writing in my last reply was the right way to moddify?
I have reading a bit this week about the 5870m, and as far i can see, brands like asus and clevo are stock delivered with 1.15 at core voltage. -
im getting a little confused about overclock this card, in ati overdrive i can set allmost any clock i want, but if i modified the clocks in the bios i get artifacts, any1 have a tip? like how many mhz% i have to set to make the clocks stable etc....
But I can only play SC2 on ~750/1050 without any crashes.
I use MSI afterburner. -
When I modified voltage, I got to 910/1075 stable, some artifacts if under heavy load. 900/1075 is no artifact tho. -
but you guys use afterburner or ati overdrive or mod the bios? i also can reach that clocks using overdrive without problem, not the same history when try to mod the bios with those clocks
I mod the bios for overclocking voltage for more stable and less artifacts.
I use afterburner for overclocking, at the moment at 910/1080, great increase from stock. Check my benchmarks -
I just ran 3Dmark 2006 with 900/1100 without artifacs.
I'm going to test Starcraft 2 right now.
Thanks again Uyski -
Starcraft seems to run just fine on 900/1050 for 30 min with all on ultra.
Have anyone heard of any who have gone even further with the voltage? My temps look really fine, but I cant clock more than 910 ind MSI afterburner.. -
Be careful though... it may brick your card. -
If You guys want to overvolt and OC the Mobility 5870, I suggest getting a more powerful PSU than MSI's 120W. A non-OCed Mobility 5870 consumes around 75W, if You overvolt and OC, it will use a lot more power. You may end up bricking Your PSUs.
Yeah, I'm using a 180W PSU so it's working really nice with OC.
Linaa, I found a pretty nice way of doing it
Save a profile with 910/1XXX, then go to the afterburner folder and find the profile config file. Then just change 910 to 920, then you'll be able to increase the OC up to 1200 -
Hehe yeah you might be right about the PSU.
Any good recomentations? But shouldn't the PSU could handle my setup?
It's only a Core I5. -
This one here:
Review MSI GX740-i7247LW7P Gaming-Notebook - Notebookcheck.net Reviews
shows that a GX740 with i7-720QM consumes 129W at peak - more than the PSU's rated output. If any components are OCed, the power consumption grows rapidly.
There are also other reviews, like Medion's version of GX740 - its' hunger for power is even higher than MSI's. -
Yeah, i've measured ~150W AC-side peaks at full load (Prime + Furmark) on the X7811 (Medion). The powerbrick handles this without probs. Remember, that this is AC-side. Nevertheless the PM55 (X7811) seems to more hungry than the HM55s (GX740, G73JH).
I don't tested the G73 at same circumstances, but on battery (Batterybar->DC-side) it idles under 20W (~18), while the X7811 is always over 30W (more to 40)! -
I've been running 850/1250 for the last 4 days @ 1.2v using STOCK PSU
This is on my Canadian model GX740.
Ill be trying for perhaps 900/1350 in a few days and see what happens.
Been playing Vindictus / MW2 / Hon with no problems, and HD movies all on my external 24" monitor runs about 56C MAX
Then again Vindictus is the only heavy game, Haven't played any SC2 in a while so I cannot say anything about that. Ran furmark last night for about 10h got up to 82C on burn and FX test no crash or problems. -
I hope I can reach 900/1100 myself, that would be perfect. -
I've already done the testing, Im aware of how to OC but thanks for the tips.
I have enough headroom to hit 1300 stable, but I guess ill only be the judge of that since its my pc.
Ill try for the 950 core though -
Anyways, can someone give me a quick guide on how to update my vbios using Usysk ones? step by step guide, and if possible, links to download the needed software.
Thanks. -
Raising the core voltage would not have any impact on memory would it? -
1. You make an USB bootable useing "HP USB Boot Utility" program (Google it)
2. You download the newest vBIOS from MSI, and put it on your usb.
3. You then download Usysk modified vBIOS, and also put it on an usb.
4. Then restart, and boot from the USB, you will then access DOS
5. Write "atiflash.exe -p 0 broadway.bin"
6. Wait for seccesfully flash (10-20 sec)
7. Shut down, and unplug power and battery
8. Boot up and access BIOS and load default settings, save and exit
That's how I did it. -
I just flashed my vBIOS and I was testing with Vantage at 900/1070, but it seems my PSU can't take it, because after finishing the test I noticed my battery was discharging, and I had to reconnect my PSU to get it charging again.
Seemed stable though, and I managed P9991 score haha.
Now I need to get that Targus 180w PSU... -
Nice Ryzeki!
I bought a PSU (180W) from ebay. It's an alienware one, costed around 40USD.
Anyone wanna try going over 1.15V? -
I will try again later today, to confirm is my PSU dies while testing.
One thing I noticed though, it seems you use quite higher clocks with your vbios for general use, as I used to have 100/150 clocks when not doing anything, but the lowest I get with your vbios is 405/500 or something like that hehe. -
Yeah, the idle clocks is because of the new MSI VBIOS.
Now we just need someone to try over 1.15V -
Hi my friends!!!
i have problems with video, watching youtube on battery mode appear green points and shutdown, I m ready update with a vbios, but the problem persist.
I dont make backup of my old vbios.
Anyone have this vbios (default) for i tested this?
Thanks!!!! -
wich drivers to use^
Well been running 900/1200 for the last few days at 1.2v and its been running perfectly. Ill be trying 950/1200 soon let you guys know how it goes.
I might try 1.2V on gx660.. But I'll do that latersDon't wanna brick my GPU yet :X
Hey all.
I tried flashing the modified BIOS linked on the first page here on my GX740 with an Core i7 QM720.
I got an error. I've attached it in this picture. Can anyone help me with it? I'd really wanna overvolt the GPU and increase the overclocks.
EDIT: I created modified video card BIOSs for my GX740 as well. Default is 1.05V. Made a 1.10V and 1.15V respectively. -
Hi all guru,
I'm just a newbie for MSI and OC user. I have some question. What happen when you use with batt. power (unplug) after OC (900+/1000+)? I'm think it can not reach to the peak but What happen? -
The OC will only be used when you are gaming and pluged in. -
How can I check if the bios flash of broadway.bin on the first page worked? I'm thinking it did, because I am able to overclock to 860/1080 and it doesn't crash. I tried 860/1100 and was getting flashes of black screens playing BC2. I tried to check GPU-z for max voltage, but it records 1.050v as max. Temps are good, hit a max of 70C with OC after 10min and not even using turbo fan. I'm thinking this GPU can go further since all GPU temps were good. Also, since CCC won't let me OC past 860 on core, anyone know of a good program that will allow me to OC farther, and not require me to set it everytime I boot up. I like how CCC works like a bios OC and not requiring me to set it everyday. Thanks all.
t raise the core volt. -
Can anyone please tell me how to increase the voltage on 5870m?
I have a msi GX660. I tried installing the bios but it didnt work. I am bad at these things. Thanks in advance.
Incresse voltage on MSI GX660 5870m
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Linaa, Mar 13, 2011.