I don't know how to take pictures with my webcam. Is there something I need to download or something?
Also my uncle who is a programer tried to figure it out and couldn't.
Please help.
Is there a program that is related to the webcam?
My uncle set my computer up and he can't find one.
I can't seem to find anything. I put in the cd that came with my computer and nothing about the web cam is on there.
Does anyone know how I can take pictures with my (built in) web cam on my MSI GX 630 (vista)?
Please only bump a thread every 24 hours, thank you. Members will help if they know how.
There is no Cyberlink software or equivalent? Also have you accessed the Device Manager and see if there were any "Image Devices" installed?
It says I have a USB 2.0 Camera but for one my camera is built in and for two it says it is working fine when obviously it isnt.
Heres the site, download the utility and it will work: Install it and your good to go..
http://www.msi.com/index.php?func=downloadfile&dno=8685&type=utility -
It also says that I have the latest updated driver for it.
I want to take pictures not record.
Disregaurd that last messege it dont take pics....sorry I will find a program that does though
Thanks for helping me.
The MSI GX630 should have came with a software called "Reallusion's CrazyTalk Cam Suite"
-Oh, well I guess that solves it -
I don't think mine did.
Is it a CD or is it something that is already on the computer or do you think it is on the setup CD? because I can't find it.
try one and see if it works.. there was a program that i uninstalled that came with my GT725 a photosuite i am pretty sure it had a webcam option on it -
simple camera software from MSI for GX630 -
it came with some software called crazy talk and its some software on the MSI site for it and make sure you have the camera button pushed by the turbo button
and you should be able to see it under My Computer if the webcam is turned on
I bought an MSI GX 630 (Vista) and can't find the webcam
Discussion in 'MSI' started by femaleredranger, Apr 5, 2009.